Minuteful Kidney Support

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes

I'm a mody diabetic. I was diagnosed as a teenager around 20 years ago. My diabetic control is excellent these days but dodgy to begin with. I recently recieved a Minuteful Kidney Test in the post in conjunction with my GP. The results were abnormal. I'm waiting the results of a retest. Anyone had any experience of these tests being correct with an abnormal results? I've previously not had any problems.
Hi there, I’ve just recently been tested for MODY myself, was negative though. I’m sorry you have this worry at the minute.
Now I don’t know much about these test but somewhere in the back of my head I can remember someone on here having a similar problems and it turned out to be fine. In fact if you type in minuteful kidney test in the search box there are some interesting posts
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