Minister claims GPs are failing to return work capability assessment forms

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
A minister has claimed that clinicians are only returning a third of requests for work capability assessments, sparking anger from GPs who say they are not given enough time to fill out forms and are asked for information they do not routinely record.

Department for Work and Pensions minister Mark Hoban claimed in Parliament that only 37% of requests for medical information were returned in time by GPs and consultants to Atos, which runs the scheme to assess whether disability benefits claimants are fit for work.

His comments came after MP Heather Wheeler said she had been told of the ?absolute frustration of GPs and consultants who feel that no account whatever is taken of the fact that they take their time to write the letters?.

?That is desperately frustrating and a huge waste of public money,? she added.

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Takes my GP surgery six weeks to do anything they have to reply to!

I remember my work HR dept going bananas at ME that my GP hadn't responded to a letter they sent about me. Like that was MY fault? Like I could do anything about it?

He did reply in the fullness of time saying he suggested they wrote to my hospital consultant and asked their questions as he was the one treating me in this instance, and he only saw me once a year to check my pulses etc. LOL

(So they sent me to Occupational Health and the doctor there said I was being ridiculous becoming stressed, so was my GP and Consultant telling me that an A1c of over 7.5 was dangerous and worrying me - and assured me that anyone with an A1c under about 13 had absolutely nothing whatsoever to concern them. I asked if he was still in General Practice, he said No. I said Good - cos I'd personally make it my life's work to see to it that you got struck off ....... I still have great difficulty believing he actually said that)

I should imagine they (GPs) dislike ATOS almost as much as most of their patients do. But there again, they are only doing DWPs dirty work aren't they?
Perhaps that stupid MP should go and spend a day with a GP.Then perhaps the silly prat would then see there's not enough hours in the day for them.
My GP said he spends his evenings and weekends filling in the forms. Lunch time is spent visiting the housebound.
When I was in there earlier today, a lady asked if I'd like to know if I was likely to 'catch' Diabetes. I told her I wasn't aware it was a communicable disease but that, in any case my risk was extremely low... because you can't develop it twice...

Can you? 😱
When I was in there earlier today, a lady asked if I'd like to know if I was likely to 'catch' Diabetes. I told her I wasn't aware it was a communicable disease but that, in any case my risk was extremely low... because you can't develop it twice...

Can you? 😱

Well, they do call Type 1 with insulin resistance 'double diabetes', so maybe you can! 😱 :D
Well, they do call Type 1 with insulin resistance 'double diabetes', so maybe you can! 😱 :D

Oh darn! Ain't that just typical? Trust me to do it right.
When I was in there earlier today, a lady asked if I'd like to know if I was likely to 'catch' Diabetes. I told her I wasn't aware it was a communicable disease but that, in any case my risk was extremely low... because you can't develop it twice...

Can you? 😱

my husband who has recently been dx reckons he caught it from me !!🙄:D
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