Minimed maio cannulas bending

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

I’m having issues with the above cannula bending. I’ve changed 3 this morning and just waiting to see if this one has worked. No idea what I’m doing wrong. Panicking because I’m 11 weeks pregnant! Please help
Hi. Afraid I can't help with any personal experience of the cannulas as I am MDI. I assume you have back up basal pens if it comes to the crunch and you need them.
The only things I can suggest is that you try to contact the pump helpline foir advice and perhaps You tube have some tutorial on that particular cannula insertion/application which might give you some hints on where you are going wrong.

Have you been using those particular cannulas for a while and this is just a sudden problems with them or are you new to them and having teething troubles. Do you have any other options for cannulas? I have read that some cannulas suit some people better than others but it sounds like this may be an application issue. Hopefully some pump users will be along soon. I am trying to think of who might use those. Wondering if @SB2015 might have some thoughts/info as she used a Medtronics pump I believe.
PS. Many congratulations on your pregnancy. Hope you get this glitch ironed out quickly and you and the baby have a smooth and safe journey ahead.
Hi @charlieann94 Congratulations on your pregnancy.

I do use minimed cannulas but I use Miao Advanced. I struggled with the others but only due to poor dexterity. I have not had any issue with getting these cannulas to go in. If you do have a problem just phone their pump support help line and they will replace faulty ones.

Are you using an inverter or doing it manually. The inverter can help and I think there is one for the one you are using.

Is this is a cannula that you have used for a while? It could be a bad batch, but the help line will know and are very good at sorting out any issues that arise.

If these cannulas are an issue for you you could ask your DSN if you can change to an alternative, such as the Mininmed Miao Advanced.
…. and then, yesterday I opened a new box of cannulas and had three fall off as soon as I had put them in. No glue on the pads to keep them in. I contacted Medtronic and a replacement box is on its way, along with some tegaderm which I will use to keep the remaining ones on.
Hope you’ve had a better run of luck over the last week or two @charlieann94

So frustrating when sets keep going wrong, and I imagine double the stress when pregnant 😱o_O

Are these 90-degree Mios or angled ones?

Not sure if it’s a common experience, but I have had terrible trouble in the past with kinks in 90-degree cannulas, but I almost never have problems with angled sets.
Thanks guys, I don't have a clue which ones they are - I'm completely new to all this. Hoping nurse will get back to me soon!
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