Minimed 780 coming sometime

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Thanks to those on here who highlighted the forthcoming 780 pump and suggesting to wait for it instead of going for the 670 if near a change over.

Yesterday I had the agreement from my diabetes team that I could change my choice of pump from an Insight to a Medtronic 780. I had been put off the Medtronic pumps as the current ones require access to pump to do a Bolus unless it is a standard one that you have set up. The 670 also had no option of setting your own target values. I had also been wary of using the auto mode that was available with the 670.

The new pump now has:
  • Bluetooth from the handset and they have linked up with Roche for this so I should find that change manageable.
  • The ability to select a target level from a wider range which includes my preference
  • The data from the sensor will now be available to view on the phone
These changes, along with gentle encouragement from my consultant, have tipped me over to going for the automode on the 780. Not sure how long I will have to wait, but my sturdy combo will no doubt keep me ticking over. They are suggesting it might be available by the end of 2020 but my change over isn’t until the start of Feb 2021 so I should be okay. I have decided that it is worth waiting for if necessary, and as we are not planning any long trips I am happy with an out of warranty pump ticking along if necessary.

It has been reading the feedback from those of you using the 670 that helped me make the decision.
Thank you for posting
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