Millions of Americans Living With Diabetes Will Have Access to Affordable Care

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
The American Diabetes Association (Association), the nation's largest and leading voluntary health organization in the fight to Stop Diabetes(R), celebrates today's monumental U.S. Supreme Court decision to uphold the Affordable Care Act. For the nearly 26 million Americans living with diabetes and the 79 million who have prediabetes, this decision preserves their ability to access quality health care that is vital to the prevention and management of diabetes, and in maintaining overall health.

I just can't see why so many Americans are rabidly opposed to this, especially given that millions will benefit! Yet Mitt Romney says 'he will repeal it on his first day in office' - let's hope that day never comes, how anyone could vote him in is beyond me, I would definitely be a Democrat in the US!
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