Miliband forced to clarify Labour position on health reforms

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Labour leader Ed Miliband has confirmed that a Labour government would repeal the Health and Social Care Act - but hinted it may retain some of the coalition government's NHS reforms.

Speaking on the BBC's Andrew Marr show on Sunday, Mr Miliband was urged to clarify his position, after his response to a question posed by retired GP Dr Kailash Chand during a pre-conference Q&A in Manchester suggested Labour may retain the Government's health reforms if they won the next general election.

When questioned on this, Mr Miliband said: ?Let me explain what we are going to do. We will repeal the NHS Bill. Why? Because it puts the wrong principles back at the heart of the NHS.

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Oh clarity indeed.

But has Dr Chand got in in tripicate written in Mr Adenoids' blood - and when do you think he'll change that?

Shall we have a sweepstake on it?

Don't bother actually, it will be long before the next election.
They wont repeal the NHS reforms as it was their idea.
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