Might need lots of advice soon

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
J's consultant has decided he should probably go on a pump, as he's on 1 unit Novorapid at each meal and no basal, and STILL going hypo a lot! Our DSN is (hopefully) coming out at the beginning of June to go through pump therapy with DH and me.

J's consultant has decided he should probably go on a pump, as he's on 1 unit Novorapid at each meal and no basal, and STILL going hypo a lot! Our DSN is (hopefully) coming out at the beginning of June to go through pump therapy with DH and me.


This is great news Kei- about the pump I mean, not the hypos.....😉

Ask away if there is anything we can help with. I obviously only have my own experience as an adult on the pump for the last year, not in parenting, but I hope we can support you.

Its great news, probably overwhelming at the moment, there is so much to take in but hopefully it will make managing the diabetes much easier for you all.

All the best. xx
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