MHRA Alert: Steel cannula infusion sets - risk of needle breaking in use

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Alan - ypauly uses steel sets - but I don't think any of those is for the Roche Combo pump - which certainly was the one he originally had, dunno if he's had a replacement though yet?

May be worth an email to him to alert him - but I haven't got his (personal) contact details now and not sure if he's on here much these days?
Alan - ypauly uses steel sets - but I don't think any of those is for the Roche Combo pump - which certainly was the one he originally had, dunno if he's had a replacement though yet?

May be worth an email to him to alert him - but I haven't got his (personal) contact details now and not sure if he's on here much these days?

I'll alert him on FB, thanks Jenny 🙂
Thanks for posting this - I use Roche Rapid D steel which (PHEW) aren't on the list
Ah Ingrid! - think those are Pauls too - couldn't recall their name.
Ah Ingrid! - think those are Pauls too - couldn't recall their name.

They are indeed, you have some memory there girl:D

Thank you all for the warnings, I have not had an issue yet and I think my ones are OK but they way I work which means a lot of climbing over machines and stuff has made me use the nylon shoot in type temporarily until I was confident the metal ones were ok.
Well at the time Paul, I hadn't come across them although I knew they existed!

I have my Insight replacement pump now though - 8 days ago and I like it - far smaller, lighter and got no corners or anything sticking out (I refer to the Combo reservoir/tubing connection here) Meter's a bit more complex, but it took me all of 24 hours to get to grips with it. Also the boluses calculate to 0.05 instead of 0.10. Must be stunning if you go from MDI straight onto this as your first pump!
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