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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Not sure where this should go in forum, am sure admin will put it in appropriate thread! As long as I care to remember I have had bouts of varying lengths of depression and have met with various reactions from family and 'friends' not all understanding . . . . . . . and believe it or not have also had the same reaction to the Diabetes! One person asked how I 'caught' it 😱 and could she catch it from me, a 'friend' suggested that perhaps it might disappear if I lost weight, good huh? 😡 Wouldn't it be good if it was that simple? 🙄
Depression and Diabetes r a part of me and make me who I am, good or bad🙂
Hi SHirl

HUGE hug! - sounds rough.

Sooooo true that msot people don't know a thing about diabetes and people do make some stupid assumptions 🙄 To be fair, I don't know much about a lot of conditions other people suffer from, though hopefully I'd ask them questions, rather than making ignorant comments....

Maybe you could EDUCATE THEM, girl. Make it your mission......

But the main thing is, you are not alone. And it's them who don't understand, not you who are doing something wrong.
Hi SHirl

HUGE hug! - sounds rough.

Sooooo true that msot people don't know a thing about diabetes and people do make some stupid assumptions 🙄 To be fair, I don't know much about a lot of conditions other people suffer from, though hopefully I'd ask them questions, rather than making ignorant comments....

Maybe you could EDUCATE THEM, girl. Make it your mission......

But the main thing is, you are not alone. And it's them who don't understand, not you who are doing something wrong.

Hi Shirl firstly your not alone many of us unfortunetly suffer depression sometimes in our life, diabetes and depression seem to come hand in hand the very lucky ones who dont suffer depression i envy very much.Your always going to get the odd idoits out there who dont have a clue and have the tact of a sledge hammer its not there fault they just dont understand and are uneducated, i agree with Lizzzie you need to educate them.On a personal note i have suffered depression on and off since 04 and it comes in varient levels, sometimes im fine within 24 hours other times it takes abit longer, but with good support i seem to come out the other side xx
Thanx for the hug Lizzie, really needed that! Don't usually let things get to me, but hey sometimes I guess we all have to let off steam, lol. Do try to take my mind off things by doing crafty stuff making cards etc, but doesn't always work. Well tomorrow is another day so will just have to dust myself off an go for it. Take care, shirl x
Thanx Steff, I am thankful that I found this site coping with diabetes is hard enough on its own! Remembering to take 10 tablets a day just to keep myself on the rite track, eating sensibly when thats the last thing I want to do. Depression is one of those things that people just don't understand, not like havin a broken leg or whatever! Its very insidious an I never know when it'll strike or for how long, so far this time has lasted for nearly 2 years even with antidepressants! Sorry to moan, am sure tomorrow will be a betta day will try to make a few cards. Take care, shirl x
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