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Ghost Hunter

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2

Yesterday I started taking Metformin tablets and am on 1 a day for 2 weeks to increase to 2 then a review with GP to make any further adjustments.

I have read the information leaflet that is enclosed in the pack and to my amazement it lists half the other medications I am taking for other health issues I have, yet we discussed these when I saw the GP - should I be worried?

Also I had a really upset stomach last night, that occurred very suddenly, and I was constantly dashing to the loo. However toiday, so far, everything seems to be ok, but I have just taken my tablet with my lunch so should I expect the same later on this evening again?

I know it mentioned in the leaflet that I could experience a 'bad tummy' and nausea but I felt really awful yesterday so I hope it settles and my body gets used to it soon as I will be increasing to 2 tablets in a couple of weeks!

Any advice?

Many thanks

*Sorry in advance for Too-Much-Information about my bowel movements*

If your GP specifically talked about the other meds you're on, I'm sure it's fine. The leaflet mentions all these things to cover them if you have a freak adverse reaction, but it's very unlikely. I would say call your GP and make extra sure that it's ok because it's no use worrying about it.

I find that sometimes I get an upset tummy on Metformin and sometimes I don't. I never, ever take it without food even if I've missed a dose because that is guaranteed to give you a nasty bout of diarrhoea. My nurse said always take it just after food and not before to reduce the risk. When I increased from 2 tablets a day to 4 I didn't notice any significant difference in the side effects. I take two tablets with lunch and two with dinner and I don't usually get side effects until the next morning.

I've been on Metformin for a few months and it does seem to be settling down, though I still go to the loo more often than I did before I was on it. It's not really diarrhoea though, I'm just more regular. If your side effects continue to the degree where it's affecting your life, certainly ask to be put on a different tablet. They just start you on metformin because it's so cheap and it's best for them if you get on well with you.

Thanks for the great advice, I dont feel so bad now. I was concerned as I am not usually one of the types to get any side effects from medication.

By the way the reason I didnt go into graphic detail on my bowel movements was because I couldn't spell diarrhoea :D so good to see we can be so open on these boards!

Thanks again

It takes a while to get used to metformin. The thing to remember is to always take with or soon after a meal to lessen the effects.

One of the things that I have noticed that isn't in any of the information is if I have too much refined sugar or too much carbohydrate it doubles the laxative effect.

I have beem on metformin since 2006. It still affects me from time to time and I have days where i sometimes can't get to the loo quick enough, but things are settling down a bit more now.
Can you explain in simple terms what it actually does please? For example does it block some absorbtion of 'sugar' or 'fat' into the body or blood etc?

I do take it with food, I take it at lunchtime with my sandwich and drink. Which leads me to another question about Carbs - no one has ever told me to keep a watch on the amount I consume of them but it seems to be a talking point for diabetes, can someone explain in simple terms why and the difference between a carb and non carb diet on diabetes please?

Many thanks


if after a while the metformin continues to upset your stomach there is a slow release one avalaible that you take once a day and has less of the stoomach side effects.

For people with type 2 different diet options are avaliable. DUK and dieticains ganerally reccommend a high carb low fat diet. lots of type 2's follow DR Bersteins very low carb diet (30g carb per day), most will fall somewhere in the middle. as with everything it's about what works for each individual and what is sustainable. Reducing the amount of carbohydrate in the diet is effective in reducing blood glucose levels. Some people can eat more carbs than others.

what might be a good start is to work out how much you are currently eating at the moment and then go from there.

For me as an insulin user I know that when I eat less carbs my blood suagar is more stable and I use less insulin. But I enjoy eating carbs and don't want to restrict them in my diet. It's more important to me to have a varied diet than to have perfect blood sugars.
Can you explain in simple terms what it actually does please? For example does it block some absorbtion of 'sugar' or 'fat' into the body or blood etc?

I do take it with food, I take it at lunchtime with my sandwich and drink. Which leads me to another question about Carbs - no one has ever told me to keep a watch on the amount I consume of them but it seems to be a talking point for diabetes, can someone explain in simple terms why and the difference between a carb and non carb diet on diabetes please?

Many thanks


There is some debate about how Metformin works, some possiblities are:
1. It keeps the liver from converting glycogen to glucose
2. It also may stimulate glucose uptake by muscles and inhibit glucose production by the liver by activating an enzyme, activated protein kinase (AMP) which is present in muscle, liver and heart cells.
With regard to diet: Carbohydrate is converted to glucose in the gut and then absorbed into the bloodstream. So, if you don't eat carbs you can't have high glucose levels. This is over simplified, but you get the drift!

Regards Dodger
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Dear Ghost Hunter

I was put on Metaforim and it did the same to me and I suffered a whole weekend due to docs being shut and the fact that I was put on Ramapril at the same time and didnt know what tablet was effecting me but as soon as I went to the docs on the Monday he said that it is definitely a side effect of Metaforim. He put me on Metaforim MD (Modifty Release) it means that the tablet has a slower release and doesnt release all of it into your system at once. If you continue to suffer dont hang about get yourself down to your GP and tell them about it.

I soon settled down on the MD version and everything so far has been OK - saying that with fingers crossed.

Hope this helps.
I take 3 x 850mg metformin per day. I have had diarrea in the past but not sure whether it is due to the metformin as I take a total of 12 tablets per day including 4 x 80mg gliclazide per day. I have been taking it for about 2 years now and do still get upset stomach from time to time but generally ok. I suppose it could be due to the metformin as I don't always take it with food either. Naughty boy lol.


Thank you for all the responses and advice.

Just wanted to say after my first day with having trips to the loo yesterday (day 2) I felt fine and no side effects. However today is day 3 and I awoke feeling worse than ever after having a bit of a restless night, mainly feeling achy in my lower back and unbearably hot, despite sleeping with the fan on and covers off!

I have had to force down the breakfast as I really was feeling ill and not wanting any, but it has made me feel slightly better yet I still feel rather nausious and heady. Poor dogs have had a taste of my crankieness this morning, thank goodness hubby is at work 😉

I should be getting back to the housework myself today but I just can't face it, I feel quite down and so tired and generally unwell which isn't like me at all. All I can think of is it is these Metformin tablets.

Looking for a 'slimming club online' that will help me to lose weight and get fitter if there is one - maybe that will help boost my enthusiasm?!

Thanks for listening :(

I saw an advert for weight watchers online, not sure if thats your thing?

Hope that you start to feel better soon. I know alot of people at work including me have been feeling generally unwell for the past few weeks.

Thanks I hope so too!

As for Weight Watchers online, I have already tried them after seeing their TV ad but amazingly I was refused even the 2 week free trial because I don't fit into their height categories! I am 4ft 7" and their resources dont go low enough. :(

I have taken a look at Slimming World, Rosemary Conley and Tesco e-diets but all seem quite expensive menu taste with exception to Rosemary Conley. Maybe I will get some inspiration from the 'food for thought' course I am attending next week and of course there's the DESMOND workbook I still have that I could re-read.

Thanks again hope you don't catch any bugs.

Hedz 🙂
Good luck with the diet Ghost Hunter. I hope you are feeling better, but if not check it out with a docotor. It's probably just that bloody cold virus going round, but it's nice to have the reassurance.
Well still got pains in lower back and feel a little sick and a bit of heartburn repeating on me but generally a bit more cheerful, still tired though!

I think I lack enthusiasm may be a bit of the problem.

Got to have my lunch and tablet again now so I can only hope it doesnt make it worse again.


Hedz 🙂
walking for exercise and fun

If you would like some company / prompting for walking, then (Walking for Health Initiative) can help, although most walks are during weekdays 9am to 5pm period, with a few around lunchtimes, which can be accessed by people working normal hours. Also "Walking and you" on right hand menu leads to some useful info for walking, not just on organised walks.

Or try orienteering, either using a permanent course or going to an event (usually weekend mornings, or some summer evening, plus some winter evenings for more experienced). You don't have to run, but reading a map looking for controls adds some interest. See to find an event or to find a permanent orienteering course.

Thanks for the walking tips I will have a look in a minute.

Still feeling extreamly achy in the lower back area. Almost like a deep pain like sore muscles or spasms. It's ok if I stay still though but thats not much use is it. I also feel quite full, quite the opposite to dioreha really more like blocked up now 😱. I only had 1 evening of dioreha the rest has just been heavy feeling. :confused: I hope it improves by tomorrow as I am still waiting to get my new Wii set up lol and at the moment I simply couldnt take all that jumping around! :(

Thanks as allways.

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