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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Im sure this has been up before, but 2nd day of tablets,1 a day for 1 week then up to 2 a day, forced myself breakfast this morning so i could take tablet and 2nd day of feeling constantly sick,:( please someone tell me it gets better.
Im sure this has been up before, but 2nd day of tablets,1 a day for 1 week then up to 2 a day, forced myself breakfast this morning so i could take tablet and 2nd day of feeling constantly sick,:( please someone tell me it gets better.

The sickness and nausea does settle down after a while , stick with it !!
I was like that for at least a week when I first had Metformin and lived on tiny amounts of porrige as I couldnt eat anything else. good luck and I hope you start to feel better soon 🙂
hi Nickie it does getter better ,honest it will stay around for maybe a week wekk and half tops i was the same just the wiff of food and i felt sick and the nausea errrrrrr xx
It does get better. I found if I ate too much carbohydrate in one go with the tablets it was worse. Peppermint tea helps to settle the stomach, but if it feels too uncomfortable and you want something a little bit stronger ask the pharmacist or go back to the doctor, but things do settle down in time.
Do you feel better, or worse, depending on when you take them? My husband learnt that if he takes them immediately before he eats, they make him ill. To start with he would have them during the meal - so they did not go into an empty stomach - and that made all the difference.

Over time he has built up a better tolerance with them and he is now able to have them some time after food if necessary (i.e. we go out and he has left them at home so needs to drive 20 mins after eating to take them) but still not before he eats.

This wasn't obvious to us as the advice (Dr, packet, pharmacist) was take them "with food" and with could mean before, during or after eating.

Just a thought that might help.
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Thanks for all your words of advice! Nursey told me to take them half way thro eating, tho im wondering if i should try it straight after a meal, but im sticking with it and going to try sum peppermint tea! Just hope it dosnt get doubley worse when i start on two tablets a day!🙂
Thanks for all your words of advice! Nursey told me to take them half way thro eating, tho im wondering if i should try it straight after a meal, but im sticking with it and going to try sum peppermint tea! Just hope it dosnt get doubley worse when i start on two tablets a day!🙂

Hi Nickie , you should be ok , I didnt feel any different when I went to 2 then 3 a day. I hope you start to feel better soon and can face food again :D let us know how you get on 🙂
When I read the advice leaflet and it said with food, I always took it to mean part hte way through food. Several people have said unless advised otherwise, don't take any tablets on an empty stomach. They work better if you have eaten something first.
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