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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi everyone,

I am now on week 3 of Metformin and feeling terribly bloated. I have no appetite and wonder if this will be a temporary thing?

I am just back from the doctor and she seems quite happy with my levels and has referred me to an eye doctor for a check up. I did mention my blurry eyes and she didn't say anything (could be a language thing - she's Norwegian)! I have to up the exercise, lose weight and come back and see her end of January. She will oversee my treatment and there has been no mention of seeing a diabetic nurse or clinic. I have to continue with 1000mg of Metformin until then.

My levels today have been 7.5 and 7.8 so far. 😡
Hi Donna

i put this link in the thread on red wine I don't know if you saw it - but it may be of some help if you can't read the patient information leaflet with the meds.

Your levels are so much better than where you started -you must feel proud of yourself.

I don't know about the bloating - did you mention it to the Dr. Has your dizziness gone and have you had your root canal done.

You've had a couple of those weeks where you just seem to go from one appointment to the next I hope it settles down for you.
Hi Margie

I've been reliably informed that the blurriness will go eventually, it just takes time to get used to the lowered and fluctuating bg levels.

They don't mess about here. I have to get the second part of my root canal done tomorrow. I have been referred to an eye doctor (which she said is routine for all diabetic patients) been referred for a mammogram on 21.12.10 which I want to cancel as it's so near Christmas! (Big woose here)!

She didn't discount the fact that I could eventually come off the meds if I got my weight down and if she mentioned exercise, she mentioned it 10 times. The most important thing is exercise and diet!! Funnily, she never took my blood pressure which I was dreading. Maybe she knew it would be high - having gauged that I'm a nervous type and very anxious.

Having had the pep talk, I'm even more determined to shed the surplus weight and improve my diet two fold. Would you recommend cutting out dairy? Cheese is my downfall but I can't cut out everything I love from my diet . can I?

Donna x:confused:
Hi Margie

I've been reliably informed that the blurriness will go eventually, it just takes time to get used to the lowered and fluctuating bg levels.

They don't mess about here. I have to get the second part of my root canal done tomorrow. I have been referred to an eye doctor (which she said is routine for all diabetic patients) been referred for a mammogram on 21.12.10 which I want to cancel as it's so near Christmas! (Big woose here)!

She didn't discount the fact that I could eventually come off the meds if I got my weight down and if she mentioned exercise, she mentioned it 10 times. The most important thing is exercise and diet!! Funnily, she never took my blood pressure which I was dreading. Maybe she knew it would be high - having gauged that I'm a nervous type and very anxious.

Having had the pep talk, I'm even more determined to shed the surplus weight and improve my diet two fold. Would you recommend cutting out dairy? Cheese is my downfall but I can't cut out everything I love from my diet . can I?

Donna x:confused:

I know what you mean about cheese. I just lurrve cheddar and stilton and all the other kinds which are simply packed with fat!

Unfortunately, the simple truth for me was that I had to cut it out almost completely to lose weight consistently. However, for periods of 'good behaviour' I did allow an occasional flirtation (Ok, pig out) with my favourite bad meal of lasagne!

I'm surprised that your bp wasn't measured though. It can be crucial to know that given that high bp often goes hand in hand with diabetes.
I've been on Metformin since March when I was diagnosed.
I had some blurred eyes for a couple of months on and off, but put it down to my work which is basically using my laptop for many hours.
I take 850 mg twice a day, once in the morning after breakfast and once in the evening after my evening meal.
I've lost 11kgs in weight since March, so (I believe) I'm now down to an acceptable weight for my age and height which is 79kgs, I was 90kgs.
I'm 44 and about 5ft 10.
The doctor has told me to continue with the Metformin until I see him next time in 6 months, I was hoping he'd tell me to reduce the dosage but no he didn't!
Anyway hope that helps
Hi Again,

I forgot to ask the doctor when is the best time to take Metformin? I usually try and remember to take it at breakfast and evening meal but I am prone to forgetting! Would it do me any harm to take the dose (2 x 500 mg) with my evening meal. I thought that might take down my fasting glucose reading in the morning. Just a thought, if I took two together, is this likely to increase the likelihood of even further tummy upset? :confused:

Hi Again,

Just a thought, if I took two together, is this likely to increase the likelihood of even further tummy upset? :confused:


Yes it will. And unless you are taking the MR version you need to space them out. You are best with one with breakfast and one with evening meal. You are only on half the max dose. If it doesn't work satisfactorily your doctor can soon increase the dose.
Hi Joe,

Thanks for the input. What's amazing me are the stories of weight loss. Is this what reducing carbs does or is it a mixture of decreased appetite (metformin), increased exercise?
Like you, I would love to be able to come off the drugs, but I am being seen again by doc end of January. Wish me luck!
Hi Andy,

Cutting out the cheese- so be it (sob)!!

I am beginning to get a cookery bore, i.e, the same old things and I'm getting bored! Can you recommend a good low carb low fat cookery book. We like curries and have a well stocked spice cupboard (daunting task, here in Norway)! I would have to order it online as most bookstores here don't stock a large selection of English speaking books.

Thanks as ever for the advice.
HI Rob,
Thanks for the advice, didn't think it was a good idea taking all at once. Doing well on 1000mg though. Levels today 7.5, 7.5 and 6.2 so far.

Hi Margie

I've been reliably informed that the blurriness will go eventually, it just takes time to get used to the lowered and fluctuating bg levels.

They don't mess about here. I have to get the second part of my root canal done tomorrow. I have been referred to an eye doctor (which she said is routine for all diabetic patients) been referred for a mammogram on 21.12.10 which I want to cancel as it's so near Christmas! (Big woose here)!

She didn't discount the fact that I could eventually come off the meds if I got my weight down and if she mentioned exercise, she mentioned it 10 times. The most important thing is exercise and diet!! Funnily, she never took my blood pressure which I was dreading. Maybe she knew it would be high - having gauged that I'm a nervous type and very anxious.

Having had the pep talk, I'm even more determined to shed the surplus weight and improve my diet two fold. Would you recommend cutting out dairy? Cheese is my downfall but I can't cut out everything I love from my diet . can I?

Donna x:confused:

Hi Donna

What I have started doing with cheese is grating it. You still get the taste but don't need as much 🙂
Hi Andy,

Cutting out the cheese- so be it (sob)!!

I am beginning to get a cookery bore, i.e, the same old things and I'm getting bored! Can you recommend a good low carb low fat cookery book. We like curries and have a well stocked spice cupboard (daunting task, here in Norway)! I would have to order it online as most bookstores here don't stock a large selection of English speaking books.

Thanks as ever for the advice.

Hi Donna, have a look at the following GL books - GL gives you a lot of flexibility in your diet so you don't need to get bored! 🙂
I havent had Lasagne since diagnosis.

But you are tempting me now Andy:D
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