

New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I was diagnosed with Type 2 back in March (HbA1c was 65) and started on Metformin twice daily.
Changed my diet and had a recent check up when my bloods were down to 50 and I had lost 10kg so all good.
As I also have IBS I was having trouble with side effects from the Metformin meaning I was having stomach pain and diahorrea during the night which was keeping me awake. I was changed onto the slow release Metformin which has helped with that but I am now having to get up to pass urine more frequently. Is that something anyone else has had or should I be concerned this is happening?
Not concerned but at least interested! There are shedloads of things which can cause urinary 'urgency' that are not directly attributed to diabetes, but there again - can frequently be a sign your blood glucose is too high. Do you have the means to check your own BG at home?