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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi All, havent been on the forum for a while, life has'nt taken a good
course for me. I am a diabetic 2 on diet only, taking Metformin and
lisiprinol I have, it appears, developed anemia and my kidneys appear
to be damaged dont yet know what stage as awaiting results, I was
thinking that the metformin has damaged me after years of taking it,
have been prescribed Iron Sulphate tablets for the anemia which are
not suiting me so am really depressed with this situation and of course
am awaiting a hip operation it was due to this that they tested me
for the anemia or I would not have known, they say bad luck comes in three's
Just wondered if anyone else had been in this situation ? thanks for reading
Sorry to hear that @RirisR How anaemic are you? I had iron tablets once and they can make your tummy feel quite uncomfortable. If you’re only slightly anaemic, there are other options that might be suitable and which are gentler on the stomach.
Sorry to hear that @RirisR How anaemic are you? I had iron tablets once and they can make your tummy feel quite uncomfortable. If you’re only slightly anaemic, there are other options that might be suitable and which are gentler on the stomach.
Hi Inka just startedd tablets first fumarate which really didnt agree and now the ferrous sulphate ones which not too bad but upset the stomach will have to get back to Dr. I am due a hip op and the assessment showed it to be 98 which is low
have to get it up as they wont be operating hope the kidneys are not too damaged am seriously annoyed that diabetics have to contend with meds which can damage you and you dont get proper vetting. havent seen a diabetic nurse since Covid
Yes, 98 is a little low. Hopefully you’ll respond quickly to the iron tablets and your iron will climb up to where it should be so you can have your operation. I don’t know very much about Metformin so I’m not sure if it affects the kidneys or not. Obviously diabetes itself can have effects on the kidneys.

Sending you best wishes and hoping your kidney problems are as mild as possible in the circumstances. I know it must be a worry.
If you have been on metformin then it can also affect vit B12 level but I would assume they would have checked that. They should be able to check for kidney function by doing an eGFR blood test but again I would assume that would be done as well.
If you have been on metformin then it can also affect vit B12 level but I would assume they would have checked that. They should be able to check for kidney function by doing an eGFR blood test but again I would assume that would be done as well.
Yes on B12 every 3 months awaiting blood tests for the kidney function I found it interesting to note to try and help the kidneys you should eat white bread not wholemeal and apples and other food which is normally not good for diabetis you can guess its a bit of a pickle to keep everything stable at the moment on this kidney diet my bloods seem stable.I know Diabetis is not good for kidneys so the Dr has pressed the panic button dont want to pass over just yet would like to keep going a bit longer thanks for replying
you can guess its a bit of a pickle to keep everything stable at the moment on this kidney diet my bloods seem stable
Glad you've been able to find some stability @RirisR

Sorry to hear about your kidney problems.

Hope your hip operation is able to go ahead unhindered.
Have a lovely time away!
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