Metformin & weight loss


Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi, this is only my second post on here, being a new T2D. I've been put on metformin twice a day, on 10 April. Since then i have lost 22 lbs in weight, which was very much needed and previously so hard to do. But i wonder if it could be the metformin helping? Then I read today that USA are removing Metformin??? What will I do? But has anyone else been helped by taking this, or is it just the panic of the diagnosis/coronavirus and watching what I eat that's done it do you think? Thanks, I look forward to your comments and ideas
As I understand it the US are withdrawing brands that are specific to them, that have been found to be contaminated. Here there are many different brands.
Well done on the weight loss. I personally have not found I lost any significant amount of weight on Metformin.
Since then i have lost 22 lbs in weight,
Hello @2rs
Congratulations on a really good weight loss.
I haven't found that metformin has any influence on weight loss, so it must all be down to your own good efforts.
What have you changed that is working so well, and is it also having a good effect on your blood glucose levels? ( The metformin is likely to have contributed to reducing those though.)
Hiya - sooooooooo - what tests did they do, to establish you are absolutely a type 2?