Metformin - USA stop prescribing

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Peter Green

New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I've just received a message from my mother who lives in Jamaica, saying that Metformin is not being prescribed in the USA.

Anyone know why and if this is true.
No, there's no evidence for that..correct me if I'm wrong...
It might be to do with USA government not wanting to pay for it tho'
Nothing instantly seem to pop up on Google, and it would be pretty big news with lots of coverage and people talking about it as it's been the first line med for so long.

Do you have a link or any information that backs it up? Or are you just going on what you were told by your Mum?
We've just come back from the US, and my daughter, (who watched TV over there and works in the pharmaceutical world so has an interest) says she is pretty sure there were commercials for Metformin on TV while we were there, so they were still marketing it a few days ago. I gather it's available over the counter in Walgreens.
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I've just received a message from my mother who lives in Jamaica, saying that Metformin is not being prescribed in the USA.

Anyone know why and if this is true.
I live in the U.S. and no, this is not true. The drug is very cheap here and it is prescribed to nearly all diabetics. Just went to the doc last week and she wrote me a new prescription for it.
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