Metformin stopping

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2

My type 2 diabetes was 58 last year .. dr put me on metformin 750 mg morning and 500 mg at evening. This reduced diabetics to 43. Then dose was changed to 500mg 2 times but result increased to 47 as dosage was reduced. Today Nurse told me to stop the medicine and try to maintain the result with diet and exercise.

I am scared that I might get bad result back ? Please guide what i should do ?
I'm surprised the nurse told you to stop taking it, but you are now in the pre-diabetic range rather than proper T2 territory, so maybe that's the reasoning. My hba1c has been below 40 for the last 3 years and I'm still on metformin. My nurse said she was happy for me to keep taking it because it provides some protection for the heart (I'm still not sure why or how this is!). However, many people prefer to manage their D by lifestyle changes without medication, ie low carb diet and regular exercise. I do that plus take the metformin as belt and braces!

Obviously I can't advise either way, as I'm not medically trained!

Do you test yourself at home or are you relying on the hba1c test? If you do test at home, you'll be able to see if you are still in range without metformin if you decide to follow the nurse's recommendation.
My DN told me exactly the same thing but with the caveat that if my BG climbed back above 8 I would have to start taking it again. Fortunately it didn't and my diet & exercise regime has kept me free of meds ever since.
Interesting, does metformin give you guys more 'freedom' with diet / lifestyle and do any side-effects mean one would prefer a diet / exercise solution? If metformin is removed are you then under pressure again to get the diet / exercise right?
Interesting, does metformin give you guys more 'freedom' with diet / lifestyle and do any side-effects mean one would prefer a diet / exercise solution? If metformin is removed are you then under pressure again to get the diet / exercise right?
Trouble is that a lot of people think it will be a magic pill that will be enough on it's own and they do not make the dietary changes needed. It can make a difference but probably not as much as people would like to think and not as much as diet.
Today Nurse told me to stop the medicine and try to maintain the result with diet and exercise.

I am scared that I might get bad result back ? Please guide what i should do ?

I think it’s natural to feel a little concerned, especially as your HbA1c has risen a little. However, 2x 500mg is not a high dose of metformin, and the 1250 you were on before (750+500) isn’t that much higher, so I think a lot of the reduction you saw between 58 and 43 was your hard work.

Have a few higher carb things crept back in? Or some weight been gained? I’m not sure the 250mg of Metformin will have made that much difference?
Aleen buy a diabetic blood glucose meter with test strips and lancets and check your levels fasting in a morning then 2 to 3 hours after food and last thing before going to bed. best bets it is only the medication that was keeping your blood glucose levels down. you can buy cheap meters. make sure to keep a daily record then if it is showing abnormal reading well above 7-8 you can go to the docs with your results. many people are been slapped with T2 without even been tested properly. there are all different types of diabetes.
I'd say do your best to optimise your diet with a good balance of protein, healthy fat, fibre and micro nutrients. Recent research shows Metformin disrupts digestion. You will be better off without it.
My DN told me exactly the same thing but with the caveat that if my BG climbed back above 8 I would have to start taking it again. Fortunately it didn't and my diet & exercise regime has kept me free of meds ever since.
That’s really good .. what changes did you make to diet and exercise.. I feel scare that my BS will go back to bad level ☹️
That’s really good .. what changes did you make to diet and exercise.. I feel scare that my BS will go back to bad level ☹️
That's understandable and is why I'm still testing everyday and logging my results in a spreadsheet so I can spot any upward trend in my BG. At the moment the line continues to stay pretty flat.

I started swimming twice a week, took to walking to the local shops or into town when the weather was good instead of taking the car, and going for long country walks with my wife. We're National Trust members and most of their properties have good woodland walking routes.

I gave up a lot of the things I used to eat and drink regularly, like pizza, Lucozade, Cornish pasties (a lunchtime favourite), potatoes in whatever form to name just a few, and I cut back on bread (bye bye chip butties, another favourite). I also developed a love of salads and also made some carb-saving swaps for main meals like riced cauliflower for long grain rice, mashed cauliflower or mashed celeriac for potatoes, and half-portions of non-grain pasta. I also make chips with celeriac. Needless to say sweets, cakes, biscuits, desserts went except as an occasional treat now, usually when we eat out.

I should also add that I'm 17kgs lighter than I was at diagnosis and feel fitter and healthier than I've felt in years.
Interesting, does metformin give you guys more 'freedom' with diet / lifestyle and do any side-effects mean one would prefer a diet / exercise solution? If metformin is removed are you then under pressure again to get the diet / exercise right?
No, not at all for me. I’m under no illusion that my medication is only assisting me and it’s the changes to my diet and lifestyle that have made the difference to my HbA1c.

My type 2 diabetes was 58 last year .. dr put me on metformin 750 mg morning and 500 mg at evening. This reduced diabetics to 43. Then dose was changed to 500mg 2 times but result increased to 47 as dosage was reduced. Today Nurse told me to stop the medicine and try to maintain the result with diet and exercise.

I am scared that I might get bad result back ? Please guide what i should do ?
I’m still on my medication (not metformin) even though my HbA1c is now in normal range so I understand how you feel. I’m a little bit scared of coming off it but I know it’s only assisted me to reduce my BG and it’s the diet and lifestyle changes that have contributed the most.

I’m going to put on my brave pants and ask my DB nurse about coming off meds at my next check. If things deteriorate, then there’s always the option of going back on in the future but I hope that won’t be necessary.
I’m still on my medication (not metformin) even though my HbA1c is now in normal range so I understand how you feel. I’m a little bit scared of coming off it but I know it’s only assisted me to reduce my BG and it’s the diet and lifestyle changes that have contributed the most.

I’m going to put on my brave pants and ask my DB nurse about coming off meds at my next check. If things deteriorate, then there’s always the option of going back on in the future but I hope that won’t be necessary.
Good luck with that, checkout my Hba1c numbers and only three months ago reduced to 3 tabs metformin. Every time I asked why I was 0n four tabs I was told 'if it aint broke don't fix it' last year the new Prescribing Pharmacist asked why I was still taking four and I told her the above, she snorted and reduced it to three only and added the Statin (after much low grade pestering from surgery nurses) which has now been removed by GP because it has played havoc with my liver enzymes . My next diabetes review in July should be a hoot
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