Metformin Side Effects!....Help Please?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2

As some of you may already now from my previous posts, I have only been diagnosed with Diabets just recently. For the past 3 days I have been taking Metformin 'slow relese' 500mg once aday.

For the first couple of days I felt very unwell with stomach cramps and nausea, however, last night the pain became much worse. I've been up most of the night with intolerable stomach pain, so bad I was struggling to breath, the pain went through to my back. I was also feeling extremly sick and sweating. I just don't think I can take another one of these tablets!

I have an appointment with my Dr today to discuss this but I am worried about trying anything else. Metformin, given my weight and disabilty, is probably the most best for me, if not for the side effects! I don't want to take something else that may make me go into Hypo's or have to eat more to prevent them and so mess with my weight loss!!!!

Has anyone else here been unable to take Metformin or suffered side effects like this?.....Might they then pass?

My fasting reading was only 8.4....would losing weight ans controlling my sugar intake alone work? I can't really excercise as I have complicated back issues and I can often have to take to my wheelchair.

For me this diagnosis could not be worse, I was extremely unwell last year, house and bed bound for nearly 11 months.....I just hoped that this year might be better, don't feel that I can take much more and am feeling so very depressed and can't stop crying....I don't think I want to take any medication at all.

As some of you may already now from my previous posts, I have only been diagnosed with Diabets just recently. For the past 3 days I have been taking Metformin 'slow relese' 500mg once aday.

For the first couple of days I felt very unwell with stomach cramps and nausea, however, last night the pain became much worse. I've been up most of the night with intolerable stomach pain, so bad I was struggling to breath, the pain went through to my back. I was also feeling extremly sick and sweating. I just don't think I can take another one of these tablets!

I have an appointment with my Dr today to discuss this but I am worried about trying anything else. Metformin, given my weight and disabilty, is probably the most best for me, if not for the side effects! I don't want to take something else that may make me go into Hypo's or have to eat more to prevent them and so mess with my weight loss!!!!

Has anyone else here been unable to take Metformin or suffered side effects like this?.....Might they then pass?

My fasting reading was only 8.4....would losing weight ans controlling my sugar intake alone work? I can't really excercise as I have complicated back issues and I can often have to take to my wheelchair.

For me this diagnosis could not be worse, I was extremely unwell last year, house and bed bound for nearly 11 months.....I just hoped that this year might be better, don't feel that I can take much more and am feeling so very depressed and can't stop crying....I don't think I want to take any medication at all.

Because Metformin had exactly the same effect on me they put me straight on insulin, this was of course when thye thought I was type 2 mind you but yes i went through exactly the same in fact the pain hospitalised me so speak to GP asap
Have a chat to your doctor because those side effects sound extreme. Quite a lot of people on metformin have upset tummies to some degree or another, but they pass as your system gets used to the tablets.

We are all different, so these things affect us all differently. I always know when I have had too much sugar as it upsets my tummy.
Ellowynne, as Caroline and AngelEyes say - do have a chat to your doctor as soon as possible about the stomach pains and also about your emotional reaction as managing your diet will be a challenge if you are depressed as well. People with Type 2 like C Dodger report very good results on diet alone through rigorous management of carbohydrate intake but the approach can be too restrictive for some
And come back here, let us know how you got on. It is difficult to begin with, but you learn to deal with things i n a different way and to devlope strategies for coping.

I try to look on mine as an education rather than a disability, I am supposed to learn from this, so I find out as much as I can.
Thank you for your kind replys.

I am definately going to discuss my options with my Dr this afternoon. I know it's said that the side effects may pass but I really don't think I could go through all that pain again night after night, my partner was very near to calling NHS Direct as he was so worried, I could barely speak with the pain it was so severe. I am feeling a little better today, very tired through lack of sleep and my tummy still feels swollen and very sore. I wonder if these tablest have a peak point?....Though they are slow release so in theory they should not. I am struggling with my diagnosis, maybe more so because of the terrible 20 months I have had with other illness, that and with my forthcoming operation to remove my Gall bladder is just taking it's toll on me. I have spent most of my time, since February, in hospital, or, at hospital appointmnets or the Drs. I am crying as I write this, just want to run and hide, I just don't think I can take anymore of being unwell. I am having counselling as I have been diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress and OCD related to what I experienced last year....I just can't write anymore, sorry, I just sound like an idiot, I just don't know how to cope with this and I feel like I am being somehow disrespectful to all of you who are having to get on with are all very brave, I guess I've just run out of being brave myself.
Ellowyne, is it possible that the pain could be related to your gall bladder problems? Perhaps the problems will ease once you have had the operation. My mum had her gall bladder removed about 45 years ago - she brought home the gallstones in a jar! I think that nowadays it is done with keyhole surgery.

I hope that you are feeling stronger soon.🙂
Ellowyne, you have been trhough one hell of a lot, so don't be so hard on yourself.

You sound very courageous and intellegent to me. Pai is difficult to deal with sometimes, especially at night. A good cry helps, and you are seeking help, so things will get better.

My mum had her gall bladder removed. Before that she had been in agony and had been sick and all sorts. She didn't look back!

As some of you may already now from my previous posts, I have only been diagnosed with Diabets just recently. For the past 3 days I have been taking Metformin 'slow relese' 500mg once aday.

For the first couple of days I felt very unwell with stomach cramps and nausea, however, last night the pain became much worse. I've been up most of the night with intolerable stomach pain, so bad I was struggling to breath, the pain went through to my back. I was also feeling extremly sick and sweating. I just don't think I can take another one of these tablets!

I have an appointment with my Dr today to discuss this but I am worried about trying anything else. Metformin, given my weight and disabilty, is probably the most best for me, if not for the side effects! I don't want to take something else that may make me go into Hypo's or have to eat more to prevent them and so mess with my weight loss!!!!

Has anyone else here been unable to take Metformin or suffered side effects like this?.....Might they then pass?

My fasting reading was only 8.4....would losing weight ans controlling my sugar intake alone work? I can't really excercise as I have complicated back issues and I can often have to take to my wheelchair.

For me this diagnosis could not be worse, I was extremely unwell last year, house and bed bound for nearly 11 months.....I just hoped that this year might be better, don't feel that I can take much more and am feeling so very depressed and can't stop crying....I don't think I want to take any medication at all.
Dear Ellowyne,

I am so sorry to read about your problems - you need to see your GP asap. There are a few people who just can't tolerate Metformin, but it may be that your taking it has triggered another issue which needs to be sorted. As others have said on this thread going the "diet route" i.e. no medications is possible but it is not for eveyone. If you decide to try it, it is not just sugar that needs to be restricted but all carbohydrates. using this approach it is possible to control blood sugar for many years e.g. my fasting reading this morning was 5.2mmol/L. If I can help in any way please don't hesitate to contact me. I have just come across this, have a look

Regard Dodger
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Dear Ellowyne,

I am so sorry to read about your problems - you need to see your GP asap. There are a few people who just can't tolerate Metformin, but it may be that your taking it has triggered another issue which needs to be sorted. As others have said on this thread going the "diet route" i.e. no medications is possible but it is not for eveyone. If you decide to try it, it is not just sugar that needs to be restricted but all carbohydrates. using this approach it is possible to control blood sugar for many years e.g. my fasting reading this morning was 5.2mmol/L. If I can help in any way please don't hesitate to contact me. I have just come across this, have a look Regard Dodger

Thank you all so much for your kind support...I feel touched that people I don't even know do care!

I have just returned from the Drs, she has asked me to up my Omeprezole tablets to the full dose of 40mg again (This is for my stomach erosions) She say's this may help with the stomach pain. Also she has given me some Buscopan for the stomach cramps. She advised me to stop taking the Metformin for 3 days so to give my tummy time settle back down, then she has asked me to re-try the Metformin again giving the Omeprezole time to get working and having the Buscopan at hand. She said if this does not work then to go back to see her and we can discuss other options/medication.

She also said that a reading of 8.4 was not oo much to worry about? She continued to say that it's just that with people like myself,
limited mobility, weight ect and my other problems that they like to be cautious that Diabetes does not progress too quickly. I still feel so unsure and my appointment with the Diabetic has been cancelled again because she is still unwell, I have no set appointment with her at this time.

Thank you Dodger for that link, it is very interesting, maybe a diet controlled way may be an option for me?

At this time I am looking forward to a good nights rest without any pain. I don't know if I will take the Metformin? I just need to think about everything but I also intend to try to relax over the weekend and take some time out to try to eleviate some of the stress I'm feeling, not sure how that will pan out tho....just feel the need to switch off for a bit!
I'm glad you got advice from the doctor, and hope you are now feeling better.

We are all here for each other and try to help when we can. When you are in pain and not sleeping very well, everything else feels much worse. You can come here any time and see what everyone else has to say, and if you want to off laod, have a rant or share anything, this is the place to do it!
hi Ellowynn i had alot of tummy probs and cramps etc etc sweating as well was a regular occurance, the 1 metformin did not have the desired effect so im now on 2 the side effects seem to have passed now and i i do get any side effect its really just wind ..
glad you went to the docs and got advice

good luck with it all x
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