Metformin sexual side effects

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I've now been on Metformin (3x500mg now 2x500mg p.d.) for 18 months. Hba1c gone down to 45 from 100 and have lost 15kg (as per Prof Roy Taylor 70kg at 5'11").
Sticking to a low carb diet but have found my libido has plummeted to almost zero and have genital numbness and an inability to orgasm (peripheral neuropathy diagnosed..partly diabetes but also degeneration of spine). Every medical paper I read warns that Metformin destroys testosterone, as does the Amitriptyline I'm on for the neuropathy! Statins also lower testosterone dramatically and the three combined....!!!!
Older T2 drugs don't appear to have this effect but are now rarely used because they are more likely to cause hypo's and I've been told to stick to Metformin.
Has any other reader suffered from Metformin sexual side effects, and have they changed medication to combat the problem?
I'm 66 y.o. male and don't want to kiss goodbye to being a "active" person so soon. I fear that my doctor will simply put it down to my age and do nothing. My diabetic nurse simply says I'm "doing very well" and should be grateful I haven't got any other problems.
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It might be worth talking to your GP and asking for a blood test to check your testosterone levels.

If they are low it can be fixed - but you may need to see an endocrinologist to be prescibed a rplacement, which is usually a gel to start with. Decreaseing testosterone can also be a sign of the male menopause ..... but we are not as good at spotting it as we are the female menopause in this country.
I've now been on Metformin (3x500mg now 2x500mg p.d.) for 18 months. Hba1c gone down to 45 from 100 and have lost 15kg (as per Prof Roy Taylor 70kg at 5'11").
Sticking to a low carb diet but have found my libido has plummeted to almost zero and have genital numbness and an inability to orgasm (peripheral neuropathy diagnosed..partly diabetes but also degeneration of spine). Every medical paper I read warns that Metformin destroys testosterone, as does the Amitriptyline I'm on for the neuropathy! Statins also lower testosterone dramatically and the three combined....!!!!
Older T2 drugs don't appear to have this effect but are now rarely used because they are more likely to cause hypo's and I've been told to stick to Metformin.
Has any other reader suffered from Metformin sexual side effects, and have they changed medication to combat the problem?
I'm 66 y.o. male and don't want to kiss goodbye to being a "active" person so soon. I fear that my doctor will simply put it down to my age and do nothing. My diabetic nurse simply says I'm "doing very well" and should be grateful I haven't got any other problems.
Blood pressure medications, prostate issues can also be a cause of your issues.
Sorry to hear about the problems you are experiencing @epguy

I’ve not heard of erectile dysfunction being listed as a side effect of Metformin.

There’s a list of common and rarer side effects here

Metformin has been used as a first line drug treatment for T2 diabetes for decades (I think the first use was as early as the 1950s), but if you have concerns about interactions between multiple meds you are using then it might be helpful to chat with your GP or a qualified pharmacist? There are some you can chat to at larger high st chemists?

Hope you can find some options (meds or pump) to help keep you sexually active for as long as you desire it.
I've never heard of Metformin suppressing testosterone. Where did you read this? I think you will find your ED etc has another cause?
Metformin has been shown to reduce testerone:

In men with T2DM, 3-month metformin therapy can reduce testosterone levels, and counteract the testosterone elevation that accompanied with the improvement of blood glucose.
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