Metformin question.

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hello. I was diagnosed type 2 in January at the age of 38 due to a random blood test when I was diagnosed with Bells Palsy. My Mom, Dad, brother, aunties on both sides and grandparents on my Dads side have all got/had Type 2.

I’ve been working hard and kept to a low carb diet and I’m now in jeans 2 sizes smaller than I was. Still a very long way to go though. I’m on 2g of metformin a day.

I just wanted to ask. I know that metformin doesn’t cause low blood sugar but around once a week when testing before food I am in the 3’s. Around 3.6 - 3.9. I don’t feel any different to normal and wouldn’t know unless I’d tested. This is usually late afternoon/early evening. I always eat lunch although it is usually low carb eg salad with some protein or a low carb soup so it’s not a case of having skipped a meal. Would this just be a glucose monitor that runs low or is there anything else that might cause this? I’m not overly worried as it doesn’t happen very often but just curious. I’m usually between 4 and 5.5 depending on whether it is before or after food.

I’m yet to have an appointment face to face since being diagnosed and am due to get blood tests in 3 weeks time so I’m fairly unsure of how things are going. I never got told my Hba1c but will be asking when I speak to someone. I know it was very high though. I was also on steroids for the Bells Palsy for the first few weeks after being diagnosed so my sugars were through the roof.

Thanks in advance. I’m just trying to understand diabetes a little better as my parents/ aunties were diagnosed many years ago and advice/information seems to have been very different then.
Non diabetics will drop below 4 too, it’s normal and nothing to worry about. People on insulin only treat it as a hypo under 4 because the insulin will carry on working and drop them further.
Non diabetics will drop below 4 too, it’s normal and nothing to worry about. People on insulin only treat it as a hypo under 4 because the insulin will carry on working and drop them further.
Perfect thanks for your really quick reply. I was wondering if this was the case. It’s just difficult to understand everything it’s a minefield.
Whenever you get an unexpected result it's always best to repeat the test. Meters/test strips only have to be within +/- 15% & then only 95% of the time. So one in 20 tests could read anything & still be compliant. Although I find mine only reads high occasionally, never low.

Did you go straight on to 2g of Metformin or increase it gradually? It sounds as though the effort you've put in together with coming off the steroids has scope to reduce the dose. But discuss that at your appointment.
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