Metformin problems

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi all. I started Metformin immediate release 16 days ago - Saturday just gone I went up to 3 a day. However right from the start I have been experiencing nausea, diarrhea and a sore stomach and feeling generally unwell. I have to be well for a training course tomorrow so have stopped the med this lunchtime. I have rung the doctors but can't get a telephone call with the diabetic nurse or a doctor until Thursday. Is this usual? I feel totally unsupported. I had a very serious depressive illness from which I thought I had recovered but this trouble is really upsetting me - I just feel so unwell now. Can anyone relate or offer any advice?
Hi all. I started Metformin immediate release 16 days ago - Saturday just gone I went up to 3 a day. However right from the start I have been experiencing nausea, diarrhea and a sore stomach and feeling generally unwell. I have to be well for a training course tomorrow so have stopped the med this lunchtime. I have rung the doctors but can't get a telephone call with the diabetic nurse or a doctor until Thursday. Is this usual? I feel totally unsupported. I had a very serious depressive illness from which I thought I had recovered but this trouble is really upsetting me - I just feel so unwell now. Can anyone relate or offer any advice?
I wouldn’t have increased the dose until the symptoms settled, I’d have stayed on one until symptoms resolved and gone back to the nurse or doctor to switch to slow release if it didn’t settle on one.
I wouldn’t have increased the dose until the symptoms settled, I’d have stayed on one until symptoms resolved and gone back to the nurse or doctor to switch to slow release if it didn’t settle on one.
Thanks for replying - I feel horrible right now - do a lot of people have to change to slow release?
I was on 2 metformin a day to start with and after a couple of weeks the side effects stopped. A couple of weeks later I went up to 4 and had another 2 weeks of hell, but it settled down after that. I'm just on one a day these days.

And no, it's not unusual to be able to speak to a GP or DN immediately more's the pity. It's also not surprising you are feeling unsupported. The early days of diabetes can feel like the world is coming to an end. The only thing I can say is that is does get better, honestly! I hope you feel better soon x
@joyce 2730 I decided to stop taking the tablets as I was seriously unwell after a few weeks just taking one Metformin and Atorvastatin. It took a while for the side effects to wear off, but the diabetes was gone long before that - I just stuck to low carb eating - and although my willpower is just about non-existent, the thought of taking the tablets again served to concentrate my mind wonderfully.
I experienced quite severe mental problems for a while, until I realised it was the tablets and somehow that made it possible to wait for change to happen. I can't really say that I returned to my pre diagnosis state though, but at least I survived the experience.
Thanks for replying - I feel horrible right now - do a lot of people have to change to slow release?
Yes I had to change to slow release. I'm fine now. It's also normal to be unable to speak to GP/ Nurse for weeks of ever in my case.
Hi all. I started Metformin immediate release 16 days ago - Saturday just gone I went up to 3 a day. However right from the start I have been experiencing nausea, diarrhea and a sore stomach and feeling generally unwell. I have to be well for a training course tomorrow so have stopped the med this lunchtime. I have rung the doctors but can't get a telephone call with the diabetic nurse or a doctor until Thursday. Is this usual? I feel totally unsupported. I had a very serious depressive illness from which I thought I had recovered but this trouble is really upsetting me - I just feel so unwell now. Can anyone relate or offer any advice? do find that when the dose is
Some people do find that they can't tolerate the normal release and have to change to slow release but sometimes they are OK but start to have issues when the dose is increased, sensibly it is not a good idea to increase the dose if you are having problems.
What is your HbA1C that the decision was to take metformin and were you given any dietary advice.
Taking with food can help, mid meal. Do persist in trying to speak to your GP or nurse.
Some people do find that they can't tolerate the normal release and have to change to slow release but sometimes they are OK but start to have issues when the dose is increased, sensibly it is not a good idea to increase the dose if you are having problems.
What is your HbA1C that the decision was to take metformin and were you given any dietary advice.
Taking with food can help, mid meal. Do persist in trying to speak to your GP or nurse.
My hba1c was 52 but I had worked very hard with diet and exercise to keep it at 52 otherwise it would have been much higher. So I decided to give medication a go as my life was being ruined by the diet and exercise but now it is being ruined by the medication. I don't feel I can win!
My hba1c was 52 but I had worked very hard with diet and exercise to keep it at 52 otherwise it would have been much higher. So I decided to give medication a go as my life was being ruined by the diet and exercise but now it is being ruined by the medication. I don't feel I can win!
What sort of dietary approach were you following, there are quite a few options but sometimes people do need help form medication but it sounds as if that is worse than the dietary option.
I followed low carb and found it no hardship and it has just become my new normal which has kept my HbA1C below 40 despite struggling with exercise since my knee injury two and a half years ago.
Maybe revisit the dietary option, I followed the principals in this link
My hba1c was 52 but I had worked very hard with diet and exercise to keep it at 52 otherwise it would have been much higher. So I decided to give medication a go as my life was being ruined by the diet and exercise but now it is being ruined by the medication. I don't feel I can win!

Really sorry to hear how difficult you are finding things @Joyce2730 :(

And not being able to contact your GP or nurse to discuss things with them is not going to help I’m sure!

Metformin is very widely prescribed, and not everyone has a bad reaction to it. For some the stomach upset only lasts a short time, and for others increasing the dose gradually to allow the body to adjust can help.

Stomach upset and nausea are fairly common side effects though, and the Slow Release version is generally found to be gentler on the tum.

And yes, as you say, some people find that adding medication helps to give them a little more room for manoevre when it comes to their menu.

Hope you are able to find a balance between meds and menu that works for you, and find appropriate meds that suit your individual diabetes, metabolism, and needs
What sort of dietary approach were you following, there are quite a few options but sometimes people do need help form medication but it sounds as if that is worse than the dietary option.
I followed low carb and found it no hardship and it has just become my new normal which has kept my HbA1C below 40 despite struggling with exercise since my knee injury two and a half years ago.
Maybe revisit the dietary option, I followed the principals in this link
I followed a low carb diet but didn't eat fruit except apples. Also I don't think I reduce portion sizes sufficiently. In the light of the horrible Metformin I am tightening my diet further. I feel defeated and as though I want to give up but I know that is not an option
I followed a low carb diet but didn't eat fruit except apples. Also I don't think I reduce portion sizes sufficiently. In the light of the horrible Metformin I am tightening my diet further. I feel defeated and as though I want to give up but I know that is not an option
Please don't give up, it will get better. Start with changing your Metformin for the prolonged release version. Also remember it's low carb not no carb! I have Oatibix for breakfast and a sandwich containing lots of protein. I have other digestive problems which require fibre and I have a dislike of most veg. So you will find the diet that suits you. Remission is not for everyone I'm afraid. As soon as I realised that I stopped getting anxiety attacks. I have my Hba1c this morning so fingers crossed.
I followed a low carb diet but didn't eat fruit except apples. Also I don't think I reduce portion sizes sufficiently. In the light of the horrible Metformin I am tightening my diet further. I feel defeated and as though I want to give up but I know that is not an option
Berries are the lowest carb fruits except blueberries which are a bit higher so there are probably some swaps you could make. Keeping a food diary with an estimate of the amount of carb you are having would help you see if any savings can be made and to see how close you are to the 'no more than 130g per day' which is suggested. Over time it is easy for intake to creep up. Weighing portions until you get your eye in again.
Please don't give up, it will get better. Start with changing your Metformin for the prolonged release version. Also remember it's low carb not no carb! I have Oatibix for breakfast and a sandwich containing lots of protein. I have other digestive problems which require fibre and I have a dislike of most veg. So you will find the diet that suits you. Remission is not for everyone I'm afraid. As soon as I realised that I stopped getting anxiety attacks. I have my Hba1c this morning so fingers crossed.
Thanks for replying. I have got as though I hate food for making me ill.
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