Metformin on a dodgy tummy?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 3c
I've had a bit of an upset tummy on and off for a couple of weeks which could possibly be stress related as we had a death in the family. I spoke to my diabetic nurse who suggested coming off Metformin for a week to see if things settled and then slowly start to introduce it again like at the beginning. I've had two days of no Metformin now and my tummy is definitely much better (no loud gurgling and firming up (sorry for too much information!). My morning readings, which are generally all I'm doing at the moment, have gone from around 6.5 to 10.5 and it's making me feel uneasy. Do you think I really need to leave it a week in your experience or more to the point I'm quite interested to know that if any of you on Metformin have a tummy upset do you carry on taking it or do you leave it for a few days? I have been fine since March taking it with no obvious upsets or nausea etc. Thanks in advance, Jo x
Sorry to hear about your upset tum @zippyjojo

Is Met the only medication you are on for the moment? Most of our type 3cs seem to migrate towards insulin sooner or later depending on the extent of damage to their pancreas.

Are you taking Creon to help with digestion? I gather that can be important in keeping things at the *ahem* right consistency.

If you are concerned about rising BGs, might it be worth considering adjusting your carbohydrate intake for a while? Reducing portion sizes etc so that your metabolism has less glucose to process?
@zippyjojo , in addition to @everydayupsanddowns ' comments, it could be worthwhile enquiring about Slow (sometimes called Extended) Release Metformin, as that can be a bit kinder on the tummy.
Sorry to hear about your upset tum @zippyjojo

Is Met the only medication you are on for the moment? Most of our type 3cs seem to migrate towards insulin sooner or later depending on the extent of damage to their pancreas.

Are you taking Creon to help with digestion? I gather that can be important in keeping things at the *ahem* right consistency.

If you are concerned about rising BGs, might it be worth considering adjusting your carbohydrate intake for a while? Reducing portion sizes etc so that your metabolism has less glucose to process?
Yes that's the only medication at the moment and has been working well with my slight adaptation of diet. I'm keen to stay away from insulin for as long as possible just for the ease of popping a pill. I'm not on Creon as it hasn't seemed that I need it as not showing signs of needing it. I've got a call with my GP tomorrow.
@zippyjojo , in addition to @everydayupsanddowns ' comments, it could be worthwhile enquiring about Slow (sometimes called Extended) Release Metformin, as that can be a bit kinder on the tummy.
Yes - if my stomach improves off the metformin and then when I slowly reintroduce it it starts up again, my diabetic nurse has said that she will change my prescription to the slow release. It just seems strange that I've been fine on the Metformin for 5 months up until now ...
I'm not on Creon as it hasn't seemed that I need it as not showing signs of needing it. I've got a call with my GP tomorrow.

Hope the appointment goes well @zippyjojo

One of the signs our Type 3cs have discussed for their Creon dose not being enough can be loose stools (and too high can lead to constipation).

I think fat content of meals can be a factor too?

Hopefully you can get some pointers from your GP?
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