Metformin Negative Mood effects anyone?

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi there, This is my first post so my apologies if its the wrong place..couldnt see a medication section. I was diagnosed just under a year ago am on 500mg Metformin MR and 20-40mg Gliclazide a day. HbA1c was 66 before treatment now 42. I just wondered if anyone else has experienced depression, low mood, emotional lability with metformin. I need to take 500mg metformin every day and a half to stop me feeling like ive got male PMT. Have taken it every 24h for 4 days and not far away from losing my job. Have adapted diet a lot but still have a weakness for beer and almond croissants. Must do better.
@chocolatefudgebrownie Yes - I was on Metformin and Atorvastatin for about 5 weeks just before Christmas 2016, and I was suicidal.
Luckily I decided to throw it away, and found I never needed it.
I really recommend that you speak to your GP or whoever prescribed it as soon as possible, and don't take any more of the tablets - we are not supposed to do that, but I can still remember those 3am thoughts of walking out into the sea.
Thank you for the reply Drummer, good to know i'm not the only one. Seems I can't tolerate the half decent meds. Was crackers on Empagliflozin too. :(
Thank you for the reply Drummer, good to know i'm not the only one. Seems I can't tolerate the half decent meds. Was crackers on Empagliflozin too. :(
I have been able to get back to normal eating a low carb diet - so quick and effective - I got quite a shock when I managed to get my actual numbers in the year after diagnosis - the GP practice don't like to let me know the test results.
For me, having a blood glucose meter and testing myself to check levels after eating has been all the vindication I needed to go on with the way of eating I have always found to suit me best - Dr Atkins seems to have been right all along.
GPs seem very quick to dish out scrips for tablets - and very reluctant to accept that their treatment plays havoc with lives, and minds.
Hi there, This is my first post so my apologies if its the wrong place..couldnt see a medication section. I was diagnosed just under a year ago am on 500mg Metformin MR and 20-40mg Gliclazide a day. HbA1c was 66 before treatment now 42. I just wondered if anyone else has experienced depression, low mood, emotional lability with metformin. I need to take 500mg metformin every day and a half to stop me feeling like ive got male PMT. Have taken it every 24h for 4 days and not far away from losing my job. Have adapted diet a lot but still have a weakness for beer and almond croissants. Must do better.
I had no problems with it.
However, a change of diet may be an issue.
What do you eat now?
I'm not doing all I can diet wise. I struggle with depression anyway and sometimes reach for and sandwich or allow myself a bit of rice with an indian. But generally i try and avoid these things. Same with chocolate/sweets, sometimes a bit of 80% Cocoa chocolate. Beer is probably my biggest issue.I know its no good
I'm not doing all I can diet wise. I struggle with depression anyway and sometimes reach for and sandwich or allow myself a bit of rice with an indian. But generally i try and avoid these things. Same with chocolate/sweets, sometimes a bit of 80% Cocoa chocolate. Beer is probably my biggest issue.I know its no good
Hi if you post your blood glucose reading on the morning glucose reading forum you will get lots of friends and help x
I'm not doing all I can diet wise. I struggle with depression anyway and sometimes reach for and sandwich or allow myself a bit of rice with an indian. But generally i try and avoid these things. Same with chocolate/sweets, sometimes a bit of 80% Cocoa chocolate. Beer is probably my biggest issue.I know its no good
These cold days I get out my largest saucepan and use leftover meat or some ready diced beef from the freezer, maybe add some mince, then empty the fridge of any veges, a pack of frozen mixed veges and some stock or gravy, chopped onion, and let it simmer for a good while. My mum always used to chop the outer stalks of celery to put in the stew - I add a little curry powder, something aromatic. Just the thing for Autumn.
For mornings - bubble and squeak made with mashed swede. Mix in a couple of eggs and cooked veges - cook it in a frying pan and put it under the grill to brown the top. Lovely golden colour and very cheering.
I make a curry and use steamed cauliflower, chopped but not too small as a base.
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Sorry to hear you are struggling with low mood and mood swings @chocolatefudgebrownie

Diabetes and erratic or elevated blood glucose levels have a known association with depression. Have you been speaking to your GP about how you are feeling, and your suspicions that this may be connected to some of the medications? They will be aware of any clinical trial data which may have shown a risk?

Have you tried any other strategies for improving mood and mental health (counselling, CBT, mindfulness or similar)? Or have you asked your GP for any other referrals or support? They may suggest a brief course of medication to help your brain settle and reset. Certainly if you feel you are close to losing your job it’s important to see if you can get some extra support.

It sounds like you are doing amazingly well diabetes-wise. And your HbA1c reduction is brilliant! It sounds like the changes you have made are working really well. Do you check your own levels at home? I wonder if you might spot an association between mood and average BG?

And I think everyone struggles with temptations to indulge in treats and foods/drinks that we know aren’t great for us (whether they live with diabetes or not!). But living with diabetes can mean you put yourself under extra pressure about food all the time, so it is important to be kind to yourself, and allow yourself occasional treats.

Some forum members try to avoid treat-creep by putting them as part of their schedule. So allowing themselves something at particular times of the week or whatever. Just so that the frequency doesn’t increase.

Others find it’s more helpful just to resist the urge mostly, but allow it every so often and take a more ad-hoc approach.

You’ve just got to find a strategy that works for you. But recognise how well you are doing. And how much effort you are already putting in.

Let us know how you are getting on 🙂
Excuse the late reply, just checked in... thank you so much for your kind replies and encouragement. I have temporaily ditched the metformin and sulphonylurea (as it made crackers and hungry, defeating the purpose of T2 treatment respectively) and have started 25mg of Alogliptin. Feeling pretty ropey and stiff tonight, not sure if its the Alo or the shoulder presses i did in the gym yesterday. BG 7.2 now. In reply to my feelings and BG... i feel exhaused and ache all over (like arthritic pain i guess) when I go above 11mmol/L on skin prick test. My father was a Para but I seem to be a sensitive little soul, at least when it comes to pain and discomfort. My friend was 23mmol the other day and felt fine!
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