Metformin Meds


New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi All,
I was diagnosed in April 2024 with Type 2. Immediately put on metformin tablets, starting with 1 a day for a week, then 2 a day for a week, up to 4 a day and stayed at 4 a day.
Every time I get a new prescription I get a different company - is this normal? Also (and I'm sorry about this if you are eating) I don't have diarrhoea as such but soft and messy and my stomach feels heavy all the time. Does anyone else have this issue and has anyone got any advice for me. Thanks in advance
Welcome to the forum. I joined the middle of August after my first [ uninspiring ] appointment with a diabetes nurse having been told by phone I would be on metaformin. I first looked at the forum whilst awaiting second blood test which was obviously going to confirm diabetes
My first post was the first week when metaformin or something deadened my appetite. I have often found I either am not hungry enough for breakfast or on other occasions supper. At the moment I'm tending to take at breakfast and lunch but the replies were helpful. I'm on slow release if you are not our experience will be different.

Second post was when I realised the expected side effect of the runs didn't happen. I started out with larger than anticipated but soft stools then went five days without. Slightly like you on my fifth day the 7 days without this time smooth and easy. It has now speeded up ie within 5 days but slightly messy.

We are all different.

Hopefully you will get helpful posts. I'm still feeling my hunger has been blunted but I have lost 10 kg and it may be me and my brain haven't caught up with the new normal.

Change of supply _ I'm on blood pressure meds and the supply often changes on one occasion pharmacist had written two brands _ one was green and one white. My prescription is for 28 and packet has 30 so they often add lose ones to make up the numbers. I haven't had a second prescription for metaformin yet.
If a brand seems to cause a different effect post with the brand name and see if individuals have noticed a difference.

Good luck
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Some people have found that different brands of metformin can cause problems as they have different fillers and coatings which are not tolerated well. If you know which one suited you better then you should ask your GP to specify that on your prescription.
@sartay01 what was your HbA1C and what dietary approach are you following as metformin can cause problems if you are still having too many carbs.

Were you OK on the lower dose as you could ask about dropping down to a lower dose to see if that helps
Some people have found that different brands of metformin can cause problems as they have different fillers and coatings which are not tolerated well. If you know which one suited you better then you should ask your GP to specify that on your prescription.
@sartay01 what was your HbA1C and what dietary approach are you following as metformin can cause problems if you are still having too many carbs.

Were you OK on the lower dose as you could ask about dropping down to a lower dose to see if that helps
My HbA1C was 58 and my diet started really well, lost around 2 stone in weight, i feel myself slipping back but trying not to. Thanks that may be the issue.
My HbA1C was 58 and my diet started really well, lost around 2 stone in weight, i feel myself slipping back but trying not to. Thanks that may be the issue.

Good to hear your menu changes have been going well, and you’ve been losing weight - congratulations!

Some forum members have a short period of digestive upset when they start on Metformin (it's one of the reasons why the dose is usually ‘ramped up’ fairly slowly). You may find yo7r digestive system settles down in a few weeks.

If not the Slow Release version is often found to be gentler on the tum.
My HbA1C was 58 and my diet started really well, lost around 2 stone in weight, i feel myself slipping back but trying not to. Thanks that may be the issue.
The best way to think of it is as a new way of eating for life so you have to find a regime that is enjoyable otherwise it will not be sustainable and people will tend to stray.
You have done well on your weight loss so have obviously been doing something right. Many have managed to reduce their HbA1C by diet only from where you are but it obviously needs commitment with changing your menu.
Have a look at this link for some ideas.