Metformin makes me windy!!

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boss kitty

Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I'm type 2 and take metformin and I know it's a side effect.. but my god! I'm so windy now and it's really getting on my nerves esp at work and in my personal life..

It was funny at first - but honestly, the joke's wearing thin now.. 😱

Does anyone have any advice for reducing the gas? I heard charcoal tablets worked, but also heard you can only take them for a couple of weeks at a time. I've tried deflatine (sugarfree) but it made it worse! 😱

Any advice would be really appreciated!!!

From a girl trying to keep her dignity...:D
lots of love xx
Hi bosskitty,

Just to let you know that I have moved this to the General messageboard as you might get more responses here.

Sorry I can't help with the problem as I don't take metformin, but I'm sure there are others here who can help you!
Hello Bosskitty

You know what I think metformin makes me windy as

I laughted when I read your post, and then thought to myself after - it does the same to me.

I to this day have never broken wind infront of my other half - but now my belly blows up like a balloon and makes terrible noises and I have to go to the bathroom, when I return to the living room my other half is rolling around laughting and asking if I've been playing the pan pipes - talk about embarrassing (he has never broken wind in front of me either). My answer is if you did not see me doing it, it was not me.

Sorry I cannot help you with advice on trying stuff and I've never thought about trying windease etc - might be worth asking you GP.

Not sure if I could do that, as with my sense of humour I would probably be rolling about laughting thinking about how I could talk to the GP about my Trumps. Just saying the word sets me of.

Hope you find something to
...Not sure if I could do that, as with my sense of humour I would probably be rolling about laughting thinking about how I could talk to the GP about my Trumps. Just saying the word sets me of.

Hope you find something to

My dad used to call them 'trumps', we were not allowed to say the word 'fart'. A quick google search came up with this story which is funny for many reasons!🙂

Regarding the problem, I think the gas has to form from something, so maybe looking at the types of food you eat might lessen the effect? We all know about things like beans, cabbage and sprouts, but maybe there is another element in your diet that is exacerbating the effect?
I was trying to avoid using the word 'Farts' - this makes me laugh even more!! I sends me into child like

I was also told of as a child for using it.

Could the fibre in the diet be causing it - I don't eat beans or cabbage?
Dear boss kitty,

Are you on standard metformin or the extended release? Some people find that the extended release version, e.g. Glucophage SR, reduces these unwanted side effects! BTW are you type 2 or type 1? (under "Type of diabetes" you have written "type 1")

Regards Dodger
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The musical side effects do settle down over time.

Be patient and try to remain in tune!!
The very smelly windy side effects do ease in time. However if you want help now as in immediately go chat to the pharmacist or your doctor as there is stuff available that helps.
Answer: carbs.

The "metfartin" effect is usually down to excessive carb consumption, particularly starches.

The reason would appear to be one of the main actions of metformin which is the prevention of carb absorbtion in the gut. Gas is produced as a side effect of this. So the more carbs you are eating, the more gas will be produced. Starches (potatoes, bread, pasta, rice, flour - the usual suspects) appear to have a greater effect than other carbs.

Standard advice from medics I'm afraid is to go away and eat lots of starchy carbs plus take metformin, which will turn it all into farts.

Managing your carb intake will also help your BG and A1c of course.

Right, time to make dinner. Wifey will be having a mound of mashed spuds (carb count: OMG, BG rise 6) while I will be having cauli mash (carb count: nil, BG rise 0)
I was on the standard Metformin until about 3 weeks ago and that change has made one heck of a difference to the "windy" effect of the tablets - almost no trumps at all now. Unfortunately my other half is on the standard Metformin for Type 2 and is very musical in that department - we make our own entertainment down here in the West Country !
I'm type 2 and take metformin and I know it's a side effect.. but my god! I'm so windy now and it's really getting on my nerves esp at work and in my personal life..

It was funny at first - but honestly, the joke's wearing thin now.. 😱

Does anyone have any advice for reducing the gas? I heard charcoal tablets worked, but also heard you can only take them for a couple of weeks at a time. I've tried deflatine (sugarfree) but it made it worse! 😱

Any advice would be really appreciated!!!

From a girl trying to keep her dignity...:D
lots of love xx
I absolutely agree with the tremendous amount of "bottom burps" caused by Metformin. A dear friend of mine was also crippled with agonising trapped wind and tummy swelling , the same as me. He spoke with his Doctor who changed his medication over to insulin and the horrendous brass band effects disappeared ! Much to his relief! My next problem is to try and get through to my own GP by joining the massive telephone queues !
I absolutely agree with the tremendous amount of "bottom burps" caused by Metformin. A dear friend of mine was also crippled with agonising trapped wind and tummy swelling , the same as me. He spoke with his Doctor who changed his medication over to insulin and the horrendous brass band effects disappeared ! Much to his relief! My next problem is to try and get through to my own GP by joining the massive telephone queues !
Do you realise you have replied to a thread that is over 10years old an many of the posters are no longer active?
I've been taking Metformin for 10 plus years now. It gets hectic when I eat too many carbs because the side effects are severe (but harmless). I found out I had B12, B1, and B9 deficiency due to taking Metformin and drinking too much coffee. It is something you need to have checked while on Metformin. I lose about 2 pounds a month and I'm slowly getting back to normal weight. I recommend Metformin to anyone who has the resolve to stick to a low carb diet. It works great -
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I was taken metformin for 5 months now and am losing a bit of my weight but one thing my concerned is I'm having diarrhoea all time and the worst part is if I'm going out like for walking or groceries middle of this situations I really need to go toilet straight away otherwise I will be poop on my jeans.
You’ve posted this in a few places but I’ll say same again as that probably suggests you’re unfamiliar with using forums and may not see the responses.

You’ve put up with this situation for 5 months which suggests that you’re okay with this? But posting about it suggests maybe not? If you want to change medications you need to speak to your doctor.
I was taken metformin for 5 months now and am losing a bit of my weight but one thing my concerned is I'm having diarrhoea all time and the worst part is if I'm going out like for walking or groceries middle of this situations I really need to go toilet straight away otherwise I will be poop on my jeans.
Its a side effect of metformin which usually settles down in a week or so but for some it, like you, it does not.

I see you are posting from Russia. Not a problem. Although we are UK based we have a number of non-UK members.

Here in the UK the suggestion would be go back to your GP (doctor) and ask to change to a slow release version of metformin or some other medication. Whether those options are available to you will be determined by the health system where you live.

I have deleted your duplicate posts to tidy up the forum and to make sure all replies are kept in one place.
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