Metformin - just started - bloating :-/

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi all
Hope everyone’s doing OK!
I’ve just started taking metformin for diabetes 2…….and the stomach bloating is immense
I’ve been told to take two tablets a day for a couple of weeks so I can build up some tolerance, and then increase them to four a day (taken with meals).
A week on and I’m struggling so bad with this bloating. I can cope with the waves of nausea….I can even cope with the explosive diarrhoea…..but heaving this bloated belly about is difficult. It’s solid, sticks out (confined to the top stomach area only) and feels very uncomfortable.
The nurse warned me that stomach issues was a potential issue. Did anyone else suffer bloating? If so - please tell me this is going to go away thank you!
You can stick to 2 tablets for longer if you haven’t got rid of the side effects by then, or go back and say you’re not getting on with them and ask for something else
You can stick to 2 tablets for longer if you haven’t got rid of the side effects by then, or go back and say you’re not getting on with them and ask for something else
Thank you, Lucy! I’m of the mind to stick it out and see what happens, but I didn’t consider I could stick to the 2 tablets for longer. That’s a great suggestion I will certainly adopt if things don’t settle down!
I couldn't cope with Metformin until I changed to modified (slow) release metformin. As long as I take them after food there are no issues.
Sorry to hear you are suffering with side effects and feeling so uncomfortable.
Often they just start you off on one tablet for the first week and then build it up by one tablet each week, so you could even potentially drop back to just one tablet for another week and then up it to two. They key thing with Metformin is to take it with food and I found mid meal with a reasonably substantial amount of low carb food was best. You also need to reduce your carb intake whilst taking them, so reduce your portions of bread pasta, rice, potatoes, couscous, breakfast cereals etc as well as the obvious sweet stuff. Changing your diet is actually far more powerful than the Metformin in terms of managing your diabetes, so with the right dietary changes, you might end up not needing the Metformin or being able to come off it.

I see that you are new to the forum. If you don't mind me asking, how did your diagnosis come about? Was it just a routine blood test or were you symptomatic and if so, which symptoms?
Do you know what your HbA1c result was? This is the blood test used to diagnose and monitor your diabetes management. It will usually be a number in excess of 47 but can be up into 3 figures if things have gone significantly awry. If you are just over the threshold in the late 40s or 50s, then often doctors will allow people 3 months to make some dietary changes and increase their activity levels and see if that will improve things before offering medication, but others sadly reach straight for the prescription pad, when medication may not be necessary.
It certainly isn't pleasant having an upset stomach most of the time and feeling like you are blown up like a balloon. Hopefully it will settle down if you give your body more time to get used to it, but don't feel like you have to ramp the dose straight up to 4 if you are having problems with just 2. I would certainly wait at least a couple of weeks and then as and when you feel like things are settling, then increase it up to 3 and give it more time, rather than straight to 4. But if the side effects don't settle down then there is a slow/modified release which is sometimes easier on your digestive system, or many other options for other medicines, so do not continue to suffer for months.
Ask to be swapped to Metformin SR (Slow Release). It's much better but NICE doesn't advise it as it costs a few pence more - pretty silly really!
I take Metformin Prolonged release and have no side effects at all. Speak to GP. Stomach problems are very common with basic Metformin. Hope you feel better soon
I also had horrible bloating plus belching and daily headache.I was on two metformin tablets and decided to drop to one and have felt much better.My numbers weren't very high so it felt safe to do so.I will discuss with my nurse when I see her.
Hi all
Hope everyone’s doing OK!
I’ve just started taking metformin for diabetes 2…….and the stomach bloating is immense
I’ve been told to take two tablets a day for a couple of weeks so I can build up some tolerance, and then increase them to four a day (taken with meals).
A week on and I’m struggling so bad with this bloating. I can cope with the waves of nausea….I can even cope with the explosive diarrhoea…..but heaving this bloated belly about is difficult. It’s solid, sticks out (confined to the top stomach area only) and feels very uncomfortable.
The nurse warned me that stomach issues was a potential issue. Did anyone else suffer bloating? If so - please tell me this is going to go away thank you!
What was your HbA1C as if not too high you may be able to manage with just some dietary changes which you need to do anyway. If you are still having too many carbs that may not help with the bloating.
Often people start with just 1 tablet and then increase after a week or so if they are ok with it. However some people are OK with a lower dose but have problems when they increase it.
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