Metformin jittery

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Stan the man

New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Since I've started metformin I've started feeling jittery and nervy and not been feeling myself. I'm normally very laid back and care free but lately had a nervous stomach all the time. Any one else has this feeling and is it temporary.
Sorry to hear you’ve been feeling a bit wobbly on Metfartin @Stan the man

Met does have a bit of a reputation for gastric upheaval, which affects some more than others, and often seems to settle down after a few weeks. If it continues to cause you trouble you could ask for the SR (slow release) version, which is gentler on the tum.

It can also help to take the tablets mid-meal, with food that isn’t too carb-heavy.

Hope your guts (and your mood) settle down quickly for you. 🙂
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