Metformin and weight loss


Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I was told that taking Metformin can be part of the reason one losses weight.
Somone on another diabetis site said that statement is a load of rubbish.
So what is the general consensus is it fact or fiction.
I was dignosed T2 back at the beginning of July and have managed to lose 2 stone.
Admittedly my dietery regime has been harsh but I didn't think the loss was all down to what I have been eating or not eating.
I don't know about Metformin, I was diagnosed on 30th May at which time I weighed 11 stone 11 lbs I have been eating a low carb diet and now weigh 9st, I do not take any meds, so in my opinion and experience your weight loss could be dietery.
I was told that taking Metformin can be part of the reason one losses weight.
Somone on another diabetis site said that statement is a load of rubbish.
So what is the general consensus is it fact or fiction.

It has been shown to help weight loss in some people in clinical trials to varying degrees.

”In a much larger trial in over 4,000 people with type 2 diabetes, it was found metformin use was associated with a 2.4 kg (roughly 5.3 lbs) weight loss over a four-year period. “

So it certainly seems possible that it may have helped - but i think you should also take the credit you deserve for the changes you have made.