Metformin and Paracetamol

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Is it okay to take paracetamol with Metformin?

My son has man flu! I think I'm coming down with it too but just want to be sure it's okay toke the paracetamol.

Hi Donna do you have the patcient information leaflet? it will tell you on it whats safe and whats not safe to take Personally i take parecetomol and have had no bother at all x
I think that Steffie has pretty much covered what I'd suggest too.

If you don't have the patient leaflet to hand, it's often possible to find it online. Let us know if you have any problems, I'm sure one of us could track it down (either physically or online).

I take metformin and paracetemol with no problems, but if you are ever in any doubt ask the pharmacist or give NHS Direct a call for professional advice. I hope your son is feeling better soon.
Welcome @anlazerteee 🙂 This is a very old thread from 2010. Did you have a concern about paracetamol that made you post on the thread? 🙂

You say in your other post that you do take Metformin (“ I've been taking Metformin for 10 plus years now. It gets hectic when I eat too many carbs because the side effects are severe (but harmless)“ ) Have you stopped it in the last couple of days?
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