Metformin and other Issues

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi, my name is Gary, I am 57 and was diagnosed with type 2 in June 2023, my blood sugar was 108 mmol/l, I weighed over 17 stone.
I was fast tracked onto Metformin 4 x 500mg, Gliclazide and Atorvastatin, I had 3 monthly bloods and managed to half my blood sugar result, down to 57 mmol/l, through dietary changes and the meds. Everything went well for the first 6 months, after the first 3 months I was taken off the Gliclazide and It was replaced with Empagliflozin, I also lost over 3 stones, then in mid December I had a chest Infection which meant due to sick day rules had to come off my medication. I restarted the meds a couple of weeks later and everything seemed to be okay, then after the first week of January the diarrhoea and stomach pains started so again I had to stop my medication. I had a stool sample done to check for Infections and the results came back negative. I saw the practice nurse who changed my Metformin to Prolonged Release Metformin. The change in meds lasted for 9 days then back to diarrhoea and stomach pains, at first I thought It could be the Metformin, after lots of research I found the Metformin could be the cause of the diarrhoea, I also found out that after 4 days of not taking Metformin It should be out of my system but the diarrhoea remains.
An emergency appointment at my GP surgery earlier this week and a good 40 minute discussion with my GP has started a process of elimination as something else may be the cause of the diarrhoea stomach pains, another stool sample was done on Tuesday to check for Infections and next week I am having a full range of bloods taken, amongst which they will be checking for Coeliac, IBD/IBS and Calprotectin. Still off my medication as my symptoms have not Improved, strangely my blood sugars have stayed about the same 6 - 8 mmol/l, throughout the day.
Welcome to the forum. Metformin is well known for causing stomach issues though for many it will settle down especially with the prolonged release version but for some they cannot tolerate it at all or at the higher doses.
It could also be that the upset and antibiotics you probably were taking for the chest infection could have upset your gut microflora and you would benefit from having some probiotics to try to restore the balance. Live yoghurts are a good source but also you can get probiotic capsules from shops like Holland and Barrett.
It is also possible to become dehydrated with diarrhoea and the empagliflozin can also cause that if you do not drink enough fluids as it encourages the kidneys to excrete excess glucose via urine.
I hope the tests reveal nothing serious that will be treatable easily.
Welcome to the forum. Metformin is well known for causing stomach issues though for many it will settle down especially with the prolonged release version but for some they cannot tolerate it at all or at the higher doses.
It could also be that the upset and antibiotics you probably were taking for the chest infection could have upset your gut microflora and you would benefit from having some probiotics to try to restore the balance. Live yoghurts are a good source but also you can get probiotic capsules from shops like Holland and Barrett.
It is also possible to become dehydrated with diarrhoea and the empagliflozin can also cause that if you do not drink enough fluids as it encourages the kidneys to excrete excess glucose via urine.
I hope the tests reveal nothing serious that will be treatable easily.
Thanks for the welcome reply and for the information about the live yoghurts etc, until my bloods are done my GP advised to stay off both the Metformin and the Empa. I forgot to say, the nurse/GP took me off the Atorvastatin as my cholesterol was reduced dramatically due to dieting and the weight loss. I seemed to lose a lot of weight quite quickly but that may have been down to coming off the Gliclazide, which I know can cause weight gain over long periods.
I have no problems with dehydration as I am still drinking more than enough fluids to compensate for the loss of fluids through the diarrhoea.
My main issue at the moment is the affect the symptoms are having on my health, I feel drained at times and run down, not to mention what effect it is having on my diabetes. I too hope the results come back as easily treatable.
Hello @tomle8on

Welcome to the forum!

Well done on your weight loss! That should really have helped with your diabetes management, and is probably going some way to offset the reduction in your diabetes meds.

Really sorry that you’ve not had the feelings of wellness that often follow such an improvement in your HbA1c and glucose management. High BGs can be very fatiguing, and cloud the mind, and you might have expected that to lift - so it does seem rather unfair that you’ve now had an extended period of stomach upset following your chest infection :(

Hope they can get a clear understanding of what’s causing your diarrhoea soon, and you are able to get things settled again and begin to feel better in yourself.

Let us know when you have some results back, and if you start seeing any improvement 🙂
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