Metformin affecting insulin functionality

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Apologies for my second post of the day but it sort of follows on from my other one about needle length and obesity and I'm feeling a bit lost. I wondered if anyone has any experience of Metformin impacting response to injected insulin?

I was diagnosed two years ago after being admitted with DKA. They hung on to me for two weeks before sending me home with Novorapid (now Fiasp) and Tresiba. All good, got on with it, control was fine. However, as time went on it became apparent that my diagnosis has never been confirmed.

I recently requested clarification and this resulted in lots of scratching of heads. My antibodies were all negative back in 2021, I'm very overweight, my levels were very stable with relatively little insulin so type 2 is likely, therefore the team stopped insulin and started me on Metformin. This didn't do anything to my levels although they didn't get particularly high but did mess up my (usually cast iron) digestion so the diabetes nurses and I agreed I was to go back on to insulin for now. However, my insulin seems to have turned to water in the meantime. When I came off the insulin I was on around 5U of Fiasp and 12U of Tresiba a day. Now I'm on 20U + of Fiasp and 18U of Tresiba with very little effect. Diet and physical activity haven't changed.

I realise there could be a hundred and one reasons for this but does anyone have any experience of Metformin and Insulin interacting like this?
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