

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi everyone, hope you are all good!

I'm changing my meters tomorrow form a GlucoMen LX Plus to a Accu-Chek Aviva Expert has anybody used or is using a Accu-Chek Aviva Expert? (any tips would be useful!)

I will still use my old one to do Ketones and Bed time testing as I won't hopefully need to take Insulin before bed (I do hope not as I'm scared of having a night time hypo as I life on my own)
It would be best to tell them you live alone as I've read somwhere that you should be allowed more test strips if you live alone, so you can do more do tests. I don't know how true this is but I'm sure others here will know.
Hi Rosy

I used the Aviva expert until I went onto a pump. My one for the pump behaves in exactly the same way.

It was very straightforward once I had set up my time blocks with the appropriate ratios for carbs and sensitivity. It calculates the insulin and bases this on current BG as well as any active insulin that is still working on previous carbs. It therefore was a very reliable meter for doing bedtime corrections. I was advised to have a slightly higher target for bedtime to avoid overnight hypos, and then I gradually brought that down.

I am not sure how long you have been diagnosed. If you are worried about night hypos it would be good to talk to your DSN or consultant about this. I wake up if I have a hypo in the night and have a carton of juice by the bed just in case.

There should be no problem getting test strips as you are type 1. That should enable you to test as much as you need to. If you have problems getting test strips your DSN may be able to help you sort that out with your GP.
It would be best to tell them you live alone as I've read somewhere that you should be allowed more test strips if you live alone, so you can do more do tests. I don't know how true this is but I'm sure others here will know.

Thanks @Ljc I have had my targets for overnight raised so I don't have night time hypo's but I'm planning on changing them when I meet my DSN. I'm going to raise that with my GP to increase my prescription when I next see them
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Hi Rosy

I used the Aviva expert until I went onto a pump. My one for the pump behaves in exactly the same way.

It was very straightforward once I had set up my time blocks with the appropriate ratios for carbs and sensitivity. It calculates the insulin and bases this on current BG as well as any active insulin that is still working on previous carbs. It therefore was a very reliable meter for doing bedtime corrections. I was advised to have a slightly higher target for bedtime to avoid overnight hypos, and then I gradually brought that down.

I am not sure how long you have been diagnosed. If you are worried about night hypos it would be good to talk to your DSN or consultant about this. I wake up if I have a hypo in the night and have a carton of juice by the bed just in case.

There should be no problem getting test strips as you are type 1. That should enable you to test as much as you need to. If you have problems getting test strips your DSN may be able to help you sort that out with your GP.

Thanks @SB2015 for your reply. I have found it easy to use it's just doing it for the first time and adding the Basal (Long Acting) to it as well. I asked a higher target for bed time to prevent night time hypo's as I said to the dietitian that set it up for me, as I said to her that I live on my own, plus I'm going on holiday next month.

I have only been diagnosed 2 months, I will be having a chat to my DSN about it, when I see them before I go away. I will have a chat with my GP to increase my test strips from 50 to at least 200 per prescription so I don't have to put it in every week.
@rosy_nic , They only give you 50 strips a month and you're on insulin :eek::eek:
Please have that chat about increasing them asap don't wait for your next planned appointment as it's nowhere near enough strips.
@rosy_nic , They only give you 50 strips a month and you're on insulin :eek::eek:
Please have that chat about increasing them asap don't wait for your next planned appointment as it's nowhere near enough strips.

I did @Ljc and they increased them to 200 at a time, which is really good, but they could not increase the lancets for the new machine, but took of the old ones, I wanted to keep them on as I still need the meter for Ketone testing! :rolleyes:
I did @Ljc and they increased them to 200 at a time, which is really good, but they could not increase the lancets for the new machine, but took of the old ones, I wanted to keep them on as I still need the meter for Ketone testing! :rolleyes:
It doesn't matter which lancet you use - I've only ever used the lancet that came with my original /Accuchek meter, don't like the look of the other brands, too fiddly! :eek: