Meters - buy them or blag them?

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I was given a meter on discharge from hospital. I also got a different meter given by a rep when I was doing a diabetes education course. I'd like a spare meter to match the one from the hospital - do you think I could be cheeky and ask the meter company for one? I do use a lot of their strips!

Anyone else get a spare free? Is it possible to get them on prescription?
A bit of good humoured cheek goes a long way. I would also suggest you let them know how wonderful the meter is and how your life would be worthless without it. Get my drift?

Good luck

don't buy one! No i don't think you can get them on prescription.

Either ring up the meter company and ask for a spare, they make their money from the strips so should send one for free

alternatively ask your DSN for one they usually have all the different types from the reps. i got my spare from my DSN.
Same here, I just asked my DSN what would happen if the battery went. She said to phone the company and they would send a free replacement, but understood my concern and just handed me another box. Worth a try, because they are given out free to ensure you buy their test strips (on prescription hopefully)
when i've had a new meter my nurse usually gives me two with various excuses such as leaving one in the car 😉
Never buy them, the Diabetic nurses have loads to give away!
I had two given to me and the third I bought.

My thing is VAT free, I always ask for it when getting things to help my diabetes or hubbies arthritis.
Hi, from previous experience there should be no need to buy them. Most of the companies are fully prepared to give them away especially if you are friendly. There usually a lot of ads in the Balance magazine for free meters.

Good luck

i found this out the hard way! my test meter broke and i totally panicked round all the pharmacies trying to buy another one, ended up in tears in front of the whole pharmacy (how embarrassing). anyway i went home and rang the meter company who then patronised me and asked me to switch it off and on etc ( i had a massive go at him, dont mess with a hormonal diabetic!). he then said we'll send you a new one asap. meanwhile my dad rang and said the pharmacy had found one in the back and it was free as it was old (the same model as mine) so dad went and picked that up! anyway just so happens i had an appointment with the diabetic nurse that afternoon, explained to her why my sugars were slightly high (stress) as a joke and she said oh here you go and gave me a brand new one! the upgrade to my model as well. the next day the meter company sent me another upgrade one so now i have 3!

long story sorry but funny in hindsite!
Blag, blag and blag again!!!! Phoned my daughter's meter co when hers got stolen from school. They sent me two replacements!
Well, that didn't work...

Pah! Just called the meter company and tried to persuade them to part with one, but they wouldn't - said they couldn't supply spares, only replacements if broken. Seems a bit silly, since their reps give them out left, right and centre. I did say that I had another meter from another company but would prefer to use the same strips, but that didn't work. I guess I should just have said I'd dropped it or something.

I have an appointment at the clinic in a couple of weeks, so I will try and get one off the nurses. It's just for my peace of mind, really, in the same way that I have spare insulin pens.
Pah! Just called the meter company and tried to persuade them to part with one, but they wouldn't - said they couldn't supply spares, only replacements if broken. Seems a bit silly, since their reps give them out left, right and centre. I did say that I had another meter from another company but would prefer to use the same strips, but that didn't work. I guess I should just have said I'd dropped it or something.

I have an appointment at the clinic in a couple of weeks, so I will try and get one off the nurses. It's just for my peace of mind, really, in the same way that I have spare insulin pens.

You must have got someone there on a bad day, just phone up again and ask for a new one. Most of the companies I deal with just send a new one, no questions asked. I am trialling a new meter for a company that is just coming to the UK market which was also sent to me for free.

I think I have about 9 or 10 meters in total!

The odd company/person does seem to be like that unfortunately. The best I have found is Ultra, have ended up with about 5 of theirs and they advertise free ones in Balance. Unfortunately the worst I have come across is Bayer who responded like you described Northerner when I asked for a spare as their meter speaks to my pump! Am still waiting for them to ring me back with a decision after 2 months! Have gone blue in the face waiting!

Best advice is keep trying by leaving it a day or two and ring back saying it is broken!!

Good luck
When I want something for nothing i find it pays to be economical with the truth. It also pays to complain about or compliment firms too. In the past I've had replacement goods and vouchers, and on one occaison BOTH!

Tone also helps, not too agressive, but also not too submissive. Good luck.
BLAG! Every time!

But does depend on the company - for instance Roche limit you to one a year or one upgrade a year or something along those lines...You should be OK though - as you had one given to you by your DNS - you are not on any companies records yet so just call 'em and ask them for the one you want - say that you have heard good things - wouldn't tell them it was for a spare though meself!
But does depend on the company - for instance Roche limit you to one a year or one upgrade a year or something along those lines...You should be OK though - as you had one given to you by your DNS - you are not on any companies records yet so just call 'em and ask them for the one you want - say that you have heard good things - wouldn't tell them it was for a spare though meself!

It was Roche, and I am on their books as I got their free software a few weeks ago. It's about 7 months since I was diagnosed/got my meter. I think I made a mistake by selecting the 'free battery' option on their phone menu and thus getting through to someone schooled in supplying just that commodity.
Got my first free but have since purchased 2 which I dont mind, I paid no more than ?10 for them .
Don't buy! I was given my first two meters (Ultratouch) by my practice nurse as soon as I was diagnosed. These have since been replaced by the Optimum Xceed, again for free. I recently bought the Boots equivalent of the Optimum Xceed when Boots had them on sale at half price.
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