Metaformin and Prediabetes

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Jason H

New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
At risk of diabetes
Just a quick question please.

I've been diagnosed a prediabetic and was wondering if I can ask the doctor for metaformin? I'm not feeling great as I'm feeling tired and peeing a lot have burning/pins in my feet so not sleeping well- not sure if it's anxiety or prediabetes. My 1st doctors blood lab/result was 6.4 and after recheck is 6.1 a month later (I've lost a stone in that time). I was wondering if I'm in a position to get the doctor to agree to put me on metaformin as a mutual decision or do I have to fight for it or is it only diagnosed type 2 patients can have it prescribed?

Many doctors now give Type 2 diabetics who are just in the full diabetic range the opportunity to reduce their blood glucose by lifestyle (diet and exercise) changes, rather than prescribe medication. I have only once read of it being given to a pre-diabetic. As you are already losing weight and reducing your blood glucose without medication, you are already on the road to getting out of the pre-diabetic range. Perhaps you would be best advised to talk to your doctor about your symptoms, to ascertain whether the cause is anxiety, as you suspect, since worry can cause physical symptoms.
Many doctors now give Type 2 diabetics who are just in the full diabetic range the opportunity to reduce their blood glucose by lifestyle (diet and exercise) changes, rather than prescribe medication. I have only once read of it being given to a pre-diabetic. As you are already losing weight and reducing your blood glucose without medication, you are already on the road to getting out of the pre-diabetic range. Perhaps you would be best advised to talk to your doctor about your symptoms, to ascertain whether the cause is anxiety, as you suspect, since worry can cause physical symptoms.
Many thanks that's really helpful info
HI. instead, why not lose some weight? I finally did that and it worked. My stats are normal. I recommend reading the Freshwell app and also have a look at the Professor Roy Taylor Newcastle diet.

good luck and start now, you may avoid type 2
Well done on your weight loss @Jason H 🙂

And good to hear that your HbA1c has fallen from 6.4% (46mmol/mol) to 6.1% (43mmol/mol)

It sounds like you are doing really well 🙂

Hope you can put your mind at rest, and find ways to reduce your anxiety and worry. Sometimes relatively rapid changes in average glucose levels can initiate some of the burning/pins and needles feelings you have mentioned. Hopefully your symptoms will subside as your levels begin to settle?
Well done on your weight loss @Jason H 🙂

And good to hear that your HbA1c has fallen from 6.4% (46mmol/mol) to 6.1% (43mmol/mol)

It sounds like you are doing really well 🙂

Hope you can put your mind at rest, and find ways to reduce your anxiety and worry. Sometimes relatively rapid changes in average glucose levels can initiate some of the burning/pins and needles feelings you have mentioned. Hopefully your symptoms will subside as your levels begin to settle?
Many thanks for you info and support
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