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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Went for app. with DSN for the first time this aftanoon! 🙂

It really was a good meeting and left me feeling a lot more positive about injecting myself, she herself has Type 1. We have arranged another meeting for Monday when I will be starting on Lantus, she said that I've lost too much weight to have Byetta! :D (1.5 stones since Christmas) can u believe that . . .

She was brilliant and couldn't have made me feel more at ease, she said I looked so nervous when I walked thro the door and trust me I was! She was able to reassure me that what I was eating and the exercise I do was exactly right, so I asked her "well if thats the case why start injections?" she just stated simply that the tablets alone were no longer working for me.

Anyway so sorry to be going on, will let u know how things progress, thanks for listening (or should that be reading?) take care all, lv shirl x
Shirl, some DSNs are brilliant - glad you found one of the good ones! I've been on lantus for a couple of years now and it works very well for me, hope it does for you too! 🙂
Hi Shirl sounds like a really good visit, im so pleased you have a good DSN xx tc
Thanx Steff, was good, probably helped by the fact that she was Diabetic too! Will keep u posted an let u know how the Lantus works for me. take care, lv shirl x
Thanx Northener, yeah she was really good. Will let u know how the Lantus and I get on, lol take care shirl x
Glad you have a good DSN. I got to see a DSN once as she was doing a case study at my GP practice. I got more information from her in half an hour than I did from 3 years from GP and prwctice nurses. Many DSNs are worth their weight in gold and more, and we need a lot more of them!
You sound like you have a very good and supportive DSN which is brilliant. I'm glad that your first meet went well and I hope that everything goes well with starting injections. Let us know how you get on with it all x

p.s well done on the weight loss 😉 x
Thanx Caroline and Emma, I think I seem to hv struck lucky with Doc., practice nurses, and now DSN they hv all been brilliant and hd time to listen. We may have a crap Hospital :( (Stafford General!) but the rest of our health teams do a really good job, wish I could make things like that for evry1 with D evrywhere.
Will keep you all posted, and thanx for the support, take care all,lv shirl x
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