message off Alex

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi all,
This is a message Alex has asked me to put on the forum:

Hi, I am feeling really sad today. I have been crying because i am sick of being diabetic and i am sick of all the tests and my pump alarm waking me up in the night. Does anyone else feel like i do? My mum tried to help me but she isnt diabetic and only other diabetics will understand how it feels.:(Alex
oh bless him :(

Heya Alex. I think sometimes we all feel like that. Diabetes can be really horrible sometimes. I had a bit of a time like that yesterday after a random high and sometimes I just don't want to have it anymore. But don't worry sweetie, give mum and big hug and have a good cry if you need to. Trust me, it works 😉 x
Hi all,
This is a message Alex has asked me to put on the forum:

Hi, I am feeling really sad today. I have been crying because i am sick of being diabetic and i am sick of all the tests and my pump alarm waking me up in the night. Does anyone else feel like i do? My mum tried to help me but she isnt diabetic and only other diabetics will understand how it feels.:(Alex

hi alex
Im a diabetic too...not like you tho hunny a type 2 and we all get like that ive been hiding in my bed room for 2 days cos i didnt want to speak to anyone cos it all got a bit much for me trying to be a hang on in there and rant on here it does the way are you the runner?? whose proud mum told us all about??
some of the other kids might get encoraged to write now...are there any young persons forums around..if not could we start onexx
Hi Alex,

I am a pumper too, but dont have sensors. I have been diabetic only a bit longer than you. I know how hard it is, constant worry isnt it. And yes you are right only diabetics really understand the feelings we have. You mum is very special though and she is the best mum in the world im sure you will agree.

Feeling sad sometimes is normal and we shouldnt bottle up our feelings anyway, so its good that you can say you feel sad when you do. Sometimes we have bad days or bad nights, but they pass and we have great days to! I always find when im sad a cuddle and some chocolate cake helps? Sure your mum could help you out with both of these.

By the way I think you are doing fantastic!!

Tracey x
hi alex 🙂

well i am new here but i have been diabetic for 10 years now and even i still get days where i feel like i dont want diabetes anymore. it isnt nice at the best of times and even less so when you feel down. id recommend the hug for mum and the good old cry method. dont forget your not alone as there are many many people on here who have diabetes and share the same feelings you do.

i hope you feel better soon 🙂
hi alex

thanks for coming on to share how you're feeling. sorry to hear you're feeling down. i've been diabetic for nearly 19 years and i get those feelings too. have a good cry, and give your mum a massive hug (i wish i lived with my mum still so i could give her a hug when i'm feeling sad!)

Hi all,
This is a message Alex has asked me to put on the forum:

Hi, I am feeling really sad today. I have been crying because i am sick of being diabetic and i am sick of all the tests and my pump alarm waking me up in the night. Does anyone else feel like i do? My mum tried to help me but she isnt diabetic and only other diabetics will understand how it feels.:(Alex

Hi Alex,

I know just how you feel. It gets us all from time to time. For me it's been the past six weeks. What havoc university has wrought upon my diabetes.

Sometimes what is best is just to put it all out in the open with people. Sometimes it doesn't matter if they're diabetic or not. Though at times like this I know that speaking to diabetics will be the best thing for you. We're all here to listen and help you.

Keep stong little fella, you'll get through it that way.

Hya bev and Alex

Alex, I have just shown Jack, my 8 year old son who was diagnosed with type 1 like yourself in August. He said he feels the same as you. he said to tell you that he hates diabetes. He hates waking up in the night when his blood sugars are high to go to the loo or get a drink, sometimes he feels really tired. He gets a big cuddle from mum when hes feeling down and it makes him feel a bit better.

Gemma xxxx
Hi Alex,

I think a lot of us will totally understand where you're coming from. Some days it's just all a bit too much, isn't it? I know it can seem really unfair when you've got this thing to deal with that you don't want, and you didn't ask for. And personally, I think it's ok to feel sad - I bet your Mum for one, would rather that you said it was upsetting you than you try to hide it away. I know I always feel better when I tell someone I'm feeling down - somehow that feels like half the battle's done, because you've got another person to help you to fight it. 🙂

I think it's important to know that there are loads of people out there dealing with the same things - you are NOT alone! 🙂
Hi Alex

I think most people on here will tell you they feel like that some of the time, it's good to let it all out and have a bit of a cry if you need to. I'm sure you'll be feeling back to your normal self very soon. Diabetes is a real pain but you're coping so well with everything you should feel really proud of yourself, and it will make you a stronger more determined person, from what your Mum has said I reckon you're a real little star :D

Alex, as you can see you are not alone in feeling sick of diabetes, tests and your pump alarm.

Although I'm in my 50s and Type 2, I get really fed up with it too at times and wish it would all go away. As a grown up, I feel vey silly when at times I just need to have a good cry about it all but telling someone how I'm feeling really helps
Hi Alex
Like everyone, I get fed up of diabetes sometimes - and I only have regular blood tests and insulin injections, not pump alarms to deal with. When I get fed up, I try to think of something I'd like to do and go out and do it. Eg, I'll look up new geocaches in my area and go and find one, usually alone by bike alone, but sometimes my partner comes too. Geocaches hadn't been invented when I was your age, but I still went off cycling / exploring local parks / wading in stream in wellies / collecting conkers etc on my own or with a friend. Or my sister and I used to think of places we wanted to go and pursude one or both parents to help with transport - we could get to ice rink by bus, or would go into centre of Birmingham with Mum, as we all liked the industrial museum and canals, once got Dad to take us to see Bosworth Field battleground and lots of times went to walk on hills within a couple of hours drive. We also went to stay with our grandparents lots - and I carried on phoning them for years, but can't any more. They showed and taught us lots of things eg best places to pick blackberries near their house, how to grow fruit and vegetables, how to cook all sorts of things, how to play whist (card game) well enough to win prizes at whist drives etc.
Hope one of these things appeals to you?
Hello everyone,
This is Alex again. Thankyou for all your replies, they have made me feel a bit better. I went out with my mum and sister today and mum let me have a treat of a cornish pasty and then we played rugby.🙂

When we came home me and mum made vegetable and chicken soup, which is my favourite food. Yes it was me who did the running on friday. I want to come higher than 26th next year.🙂Alex:D
Hello everyone,
This is Alex again. Thankyou for all your replies, they have made me feel a bit better. I went out with my mum and sister today and mum let me have a treat of a cornish pasty and then we played rugby.

When we came home me and mum made vegetable and chicken soup, which is my favourite food. Yes it was me who did the running on friday. I want to come higher than 26th next year.Alex:D

Hiya Alex

How you doing? Now I haven't got diabetes so I have nooooooo idea how you and all the others here feel but I can say that I too am sick of diabetes. I hate the fact that my daughter and all my friends children, including you, have diabetes. I think it is damned hard for you all. But this is what I also think. I think that by you guys having diabetes it has made all of you even more fabulous people than you were before. It has given you all a real sense of friendship with people that you would never have met before.

I would never have met your mum and I think she is a top notch mum and I so pleased that she is my friend and I think that you and her are just one fantastic team where your diabetes is concerned.

I can't help with your feeling about diabetes, I only understand it from a mum's point of view so I understand how your mum feels.

You look after yourself Alex and believe me you will be so much faster next time you run. 🙂🙂
Hi Alex, I hope you are feeling better. I'm past 50 and type 2 but I get really fed up with it sometimes too. I know your mum is not diabetic, but a big hug with her will help lots and it will help you both feel better. A good bawl is always good, real boys do cry on their mums shoulders sometimes.
Hello everyone,
This is Alex again. Thankyou for all your replies, they have made me feel a bit better. I went out with my mum and sister today and mum let me have a treat of a cornish pasty and then we played rugby.🙂

When we came home me and mum made vegetable and chicken soup, which is my favourite food. Yes it was me who did the running on friday. I want to come higher than 26th next year.🙂Alex:D

Brilliant - go for it Alex. :D Remember, you're never too old for a hug! I find music always cheers me up, or just coming on here to say how I feel. Hope you feel better as the week goes on.
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