Merry Christmas Everyone

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Just wanted to wish everyone on here a very merry and health Christmas and all the best for 2009. This site is absolutely brilliant so glad that its up and running.

Merry Christmas 🙂🙂

Just wanted to wish everyone on here a very merry and health Christmas and all the best for 2009. This site is absolutely brilliant so glad that its up and running.

Merry Christmas 🙂🙂


And a very merry Christmas to you too, Ann! Hope it's a good one and that Santa leaves us all a cure in our stockings! OK, maybe not this year...but one year, I'm sure!:D
And a very merry christmas from me too. Anyone know why I cant find my smilies - even though they are showing as on?

merry christmas to you and your family i have really high hopes for 2009 maybe it will be the year for something amazing to happen to diabetes it is really overdue!!
Merry Christmas from me too. We have had most of our Christmas visitors, and I have only things like milk and bread and perhaps some more fruit and vege to get in. I;m looking forward to hibernating for a few days.

Eat well, have fun.:D
have a wonderful time everyone, im off on my hols on sunday lol! new year in ireland, but i wont be drinking haha!!
Nollaig chridheil huibh - Merry Xmas from Scotland and best wishes for 2009
Merry christmas to all of you and you never know there could be a cure for us all next year!!!
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