Membership Categories

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Can someone tell me please the difference between Junior Member, Member and Senior Member and does it matter?

Hi there
By members it means how new you are and how many times you have posted replies, threads etc
Can someone tell me please the difference between Junior Member, Member and Senior Member and does it matter?

It is just a forum infrastructure.
As it was said in the previous post, it is directly related to number of posts.

No, it is of no importance, certainly with respect to experience and advice.
When I joined in November it was great to be a junior again - fifth childhood?🙂
once you've made 30 posts you become a member, don't know what the criteria is for the other rankings
I quite enjoyed being a Junior Member, especiallyas my grown up son is 22 and my eldest neice (aged 25) is pregnant!
Thanks everybody. It's quite amusing being a junior anything at my time of life. Do I have to stand if a senior posts a reply ?? 🙄
lol yeah thats the idea john!!!
woo hoo now im a senior!!!! hahaha not sure about this now!!!
i hadnt even noticed id turned into a senior member!!:D
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