Melt Down

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hey all,
Firstly apologies in advance for this huge rant but I am just really really down with diabetes and life at the moment and I don't have anywhere else to go. It's all just getting to be too much for me recently and the people in my life just do not understand this at all. For example yesterday my family went out for a meal, at my sisters prospective wedding venue. I had already had two hypos and I just simply asked what they thought would be on the menu so that I could get a rough idea of carbs in my head beforehand, but they wouldn't tell me, just point blank refused and also just refused to tell me when we were going. It was awful and I ended up having a very bad hypo and shouting why havent any of you considered how I feel even for a moment. The whole evening got even worse when we arrived at said venue after being delayed by two hours due to the groom being in the pub and then said groom proceded to laugh at me for having a hypo. I just feel so upset and so disrespected. Sorry for the rant everyone,
hope your all well,
all the best lucy x
Lucy, that's a perfectly understandable rant! I had problems at a wedding meal I went to and the hosts couldn't have been more helpful, so it must have been so difficult for you. People just dismiss diabetes sometimes because we seem healthy on thw outside. I'm so sorry you had all this - makes me mad! In future, look after yourself before you consider them, as they clearly don't understand the seriousness of things. Grrr!!!
OMG- dont apologise PLEASE- I am annoyed just reading it :(

Im so sorry. What a hassle (Im trying to find all the polite and PC words for forum reasons!). You dont need that, no-one does.

People who find this kind of thing funny are ignorant of the facts and of your feelings and I would also feel raged. At least we have this place. Even if thats all we can do is let of steam, then lets let it off....

Is there anyone close in your family that can support you with putting your problem about the menu forward? When you feel so strongly about something (I cant think why you cant know about it) sometimes someone else can be a better mediator? Also, considering this groom is about to join the family circle, I suggest he politely wises up about diabetes!

Lucy, Im not much help, but if it gives you some peace- I completely understand why you are angry and why it has upset you. It would have done to me as well.


Lou xxx
Thank you very very much Northerner. To be perfectly honest what hurts me most is that the bride is my one and only sister. The meal wasn't their actual wedding but we went to have a meal at the place they are going to be married at. I just feel so hurt. I just wish that sometimes people would consider the very real affects diabetes has on you as a person. Because whilst its true that we are people first and diabetics second the diabetes has its effects too if you know what i mean? Like I'm Lucy the world war two fashion enthusist, hello kitty addict and makeup lover first and a diabetic that just so happens to wear an insulin pump second. But man is that diabetes on my mind a lot.... I find it very hard to count carbs and everything as well as fitting the rest of my life in, I have a very unforgiving and un budging rest of my life as I'm sure everyone else does too. Just needed a big rant somewhere where I can be understood :D Thankyou very much again x
ps thankyou very very much also sugarbum 🙂 im really sorry I didnt mean to ignore you I'd just posted my reply before I read yours. 🙂 x
ps thankyou very very much also sugarbum 🙂 im really sorry I didnt mean to ignore you I'd just posted my reply before I read yours. 🙂 x

No worries 😉🙂 Life is damn hard with diabetes sometimes and overwhelming.

I wish there was an answer.....but for now, just rant it out!
Hi Lucy, that all sounds like a nightmare, and I can totally understand you being upset and angry.

Can you talk to your sister or someone else in your family about it when everything's calmed down? I find I'm never the most rational person when hypo, but sometimes afterwards I can explain to a person why I was getting ratty, and what they could have done to help it getting to that stage. So in your case you could explain that you needed to know in advance what you were going to eat and when, so you could plan in advance and avoid the hypo. Could you get your sister to explain it to her man as well?

I think the trouble is as you say that there is so much more about you than diabetes, and you probably handle it really well so people don't see how it affects you. Did you have diabetes as a child or is it a recent thing? If it's recent then your family probably don't know much about the ins and outs of it. Could you explain to your sister how a hypo makes you feel and how horrible it is?

Feel free to rant away!

lucy... i think it takes a strong person to come and talk... its not a rant.... its an expression... every day.. every single day i try and understand this... and try and make others understand what its all about.... by sharing your feelings your helping others.. like me not feel alone... so thank you..😉...xx
be well..

Hello Lucy,

I think what Pigeon says about talking to your sister or another family member is a good idea.

It sounds like some of your family members (or members to be) need a little gentle education. They need to be made aware (in case they're not already) of the implications of diabetes and the seriousness of hypos (the groom may have misinterpreted your hypo symptoms?).

Quite apart from the fact that the people closest to you should be giving you support and not undermining you (even if they're only doing that because of lack of knowledge).

I hope things get sorted,

Andy 🙂
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