mega hypo(s)

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Oh dear. Well, we've been battling hypers as opposed to hypos the last few days, not sure why -- a cold? growth hormones? Anyway, out of the blue last night a bad hypo, measuring 1.6. He didn't feel that bad, though, and treated it, fine, going to bed high though (12), waking high again (15!).

So this morning we correct a little and raise levermir one unit, but a school trip is on to London, so we hold breath...and text received, another low hypo, 1.3. Eek! Treated, fine.

Questions: can these measurements be right? We're going to check machine, anyway... Can you stand up with a measurement of that?!

And, we've read somewhere that one very low hypo increases the risk of another very low hypo in the next 24 hours -- which proved right, in this case. Anyone heard of this/had experience of it? In any case I've written back asking him to keep his level up a little (7) to keep the risk at bay. He would normally leave things at 5 or whatever if he found it, but that feels too low today...


Looking forward to him getting home. But dosing seems rather up the creek, so am tearing hair out....
Hi patricia.

After you've had a bad hypo you are likely to then go high later because the liver kicks out some glucose - as well as the hypo treatment you take. Ive definately heard that you are more likely to go low in the next 24 hours too, and have experienced it many a time.

I wouldnt worry about those highs as they are completely normal after a bad hypo! As long as he doesn't keep going hypo i'm sure things will settle down again.
...Questions: can these measurements be right? We're going to check machine, anyway... Can you stand up with a measurement of that?!

I get quite profound symptoms if I'm below 2, but have still been 'in control'. You do start to doubt what your meter's telling you sometimes though - I've had occasions when even a retest hasn't convinced me!😱
Thank you Katie and Northerner! I'm grateful to you for the reassurance. Don't like being so far away from things... Am grateful too though that he's quite sensible...
Oh dear. Well, we've been battling hypers as opposed to hypos the last few days, not sure why -- a cold? growth hormones? Anyway, out of the blue last night a bad hypo, measuring 1.6. He didn't feel that bad, though, and treated it, fine, going to bed high though (12), waking high again (15!).

So this morning we correct a little and raise levermir one unit, but a school trip is on to London, so we hold breath...and text received, another low hypo, 1.3. Eek! Treated, fine.

Questions: can these measurements be right? We're going to check machine, anyway... Can you stand up with a measurement of that?!

And, we've read somewhere that one very low hypo increases the risk of another very low hypo in the next 24 hours -- which proved right, in this case. Anyone heard of this/had experience of it? In any case I've written back asking him to keep his level up a little (7) to keep the risk at bay. He would normally leave things at 5 or whatever if he found it, but that feels too low today...


Looking forward to him getting home. But dosing seems rather up the creek, so am tearing hair out....

Hypos can be so variable, I've been around 1.6 and felt pretty much ok, other times a 3.5 will make me feel dreadful, so it's possible that those reading were correct. You will also find that most of the meters are less accurate at very low (and very high) numbers so any margin of error may be greater, so although you know it's definately a hypo the exact number is difficult to assess.
When you have a major low you will often find that sugars will be higher later due to the liver 'dumping' out some glucose, although then the risk of a subsequent hypo is increased as the body 'recoups' the glucose given out.
It sounds sensible to me to keep his numbers a little higher for a while to eliminate the risk of another low while his body 'catches up' with the day!
Hi, I have been 1.9 and felt fine! and like Aymes been 4ish and had bad symptoms. Not sure why this happens but feel that sometimes it could be possible how quickly you are dropping. for example the other week was 4.1 and sweating, shaking could not talk to anyone but treated myself but just had feeling i dropped rather quickly! I think i feel fine till i gt below 3 sometimes as am dropping only slowly, no scientific evidence of this just my gut instinct. 🙂
Yes...this does seem to be the case with E too...Sometimes 3.5 makes him feel just dreadful dreadful -- yet both of these recent very lows have just made him feel 'odd' as he puts it. Sort of scary.

As it turns out he fought lows all day yesterday. Erk. So hard to manage everything from a) a distance and b) when he's on the move, trying to be 'normal' with all his school mates. Ergh.
Oh dear. Well, we've been battling hypers as opposed to hypos the last few days, not sure why -- a cold? growth hormones? Anyway, out of the blue last night a bad hypo, measuring 1.6. He didn't feel that bad, though, and treated it, fine, going to bed high though (12), waking high again (15!).

So this morning we correct a little and raise levermir one unit, but a school trip is on to London, so we hold breath...and text received, another low hypo, 1.3. Eek! Treated, fine.

Questions: can these measurements be right? We're going to check machine, anyway... Can you stand up with a measurement of that?!

And, we've read somewhere that one very low hypo increases the risk of another very low hypo in the next 24 hours -- which proved right, in this case. Anyone heard of this/had experience of it? In any case I've written back asking him to keep his level up a little (7) to keep the risk at bay. He would normally leave things at 5 or whatever if he found it, but that feels too low today...


Looking forward to him getting home. But dosing seems rather up the creek, so am tearing hair out....

Hi Patrica

I'm having the same problems with Nathan at the moment, he's 14. His blood sugar swinging dramatically form very low to high.. no 2 readings are consistant.
I phoned his DSN this morning as last night he had a trace of ketones. She said it is more than likely to be a growth spurt and increase in hormones, rather than illness. Funnily enough this cycle happens every 6-8 weeks.
Nathan was at 2.1 the other morning and felt fine, but last night at 17.4 felt awful.
As a mam a can 100% relate to you tearing your hair out, cause its really hard to know what to do for the best.
From what I understand one very low can put you at risk of further lows for the next 24 hours.

Heidi, thank you! These swings are doing us all in. He fought lows all yesterday, then woke up high again today...Duh. We may try adding a unit on tonight, having taken it off this morning's to keep him in better shape...

The 6-8 week cycle is really fascinating. This has made me think that the last time we went through this was at the beginning of April -- um, 6 weeks ago! At that time his insulin went up by 50% in 10 days. He seemed to settle, and now he's on the move again, somehow, though it went haywire yesterday.

Poor thing. All this is complicated by *so* many things, physical, psychological...And readings don't seem as accurate as we are led to believe sometimes. I'm interested in what others are saying about very low and very high numbers having a larger inaccuracy range....
Hi Patricia,

Sorry to hear E is having troubles too! Alex has also been waking up high - so his DSN has told us to test at 3am every morning - so we did last night and it seems to be rising gradually through the night - so not a hypo - she suspects he is having growth spurts (dusk phenomenon and dawn phenomenon) - i hope it is as i had thought he was hypoing through the night.

However, if it is a growth spurt - i am not entirely sure what we can do about it as if we increase his NR he hypos during the day and if we increase his levemir he will also hypo! So, like you, i am feeling a bit puzzled this week! Perhaps its the weather, or they way the wind blows - who knows!:confused:Bev
Heidi, thank you! These swings are doing us all in. He fought lows all yesterday, then woke up high again today...Duh. We may try adding a unit on tonight, having taken it off this morning's to keep him in better shape...

The 6-8 week cycle is really fascinating. This has made me think that the last time we went through this was at the beginning of April -- um, 6 weeks ago! At that time his insulin went up by 50% in 10 days. He seemed to settle, and now he's on the move again, somehow, though it went haywire yesterday.

Poor thing. All this is complicated by *so* many things, physical, psychological...And readings don't seem as accurate as we are led to believe sometimes. I'm interested in what others are saying about very low and very high numbers having a larger inaccuracy range....

Hi Patricia,

Bless, it is a terrible thing for children/teenagers to get to grips with. As you say it is complicated by so many other things as well.
Nathan has been TP1 for 2yrs 3mths. Just when as a parent you think things are settling down and some control is gained, the battle starts again. Again when Nathans levels start on this cycle his insulin requirements go up by around 50% then when goes back down his requirements drop to less than he was on prior to the onset of the highs. Its a nightmare for what to do for the best. As Bev said add on long acting..hypo at acting..through the day.
What i tend to do with Nathan is, try and keep breakfast NR the same, if he still high at dinner, i will add on 2units of Lantus at night, if still high the next day will add 1 or 2 on NR. For the rest of the day I just tend to alter his fast acting by 1 or 2 units. If still no better I go bact to the Lantus. Then adjust NR accordingly. This is only what I would do.. As a parent you must do what ever you feel comfortable with for your child and his/her circumstances for that day.
I do hope this helps you. If I can help in any way please get in touch..even if it is only to get things off your chest..

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