Meformin MR/Glucophage

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Anyone on these.

I have just switched from 2x 850 ordinary Metformin to 4 x 500 Modified release taken two at a time. And I am finding them very indigestible. Especially the ones at night keeping me awake with heartburn and stomach pain.

I thought the MR ones were supposed be kinder on your stomach but they don't seem worth the extra trouble just to get an extra 300mg a day.
I had the most terrible time on Slow Release Metformin. I eneded up in hospital for 4 days, although I do have the extra complication with Gallbladder and Pancreaus problems!...The Drs NEVER believe it is the Med's causing any all they can to keep you on them! I am no on Insulin, and I even having problems with that! :(

Hope you sort your meds out or the side effects ease...Ellowyne.
The MR are meant to be kinder to your stomach. It is best to start with a small dose and work up. Allowing your body to adjust before increasing the dose.

You need to be careful though to swallow them hole and not to chew them or cut them in half. If you do any of those things you will negate the modified release benefits.

As with all things there are some people who cannot tolerate either the standard nor the MR tablets.
if the symptoms don't settle down go back to the doctor and keep going back until something is done. Keeping a diary will help your cause too. Sometimes it takes a while for your system to adjust to new tablets. I hope you feel better soon.
I am now on the highest dose of slow release metformin, 4 a day, with gliclazide, same dose, but if you really can't stomach (no pun intended) those I understand there is a liquid form which is kinder. Someone else on here will know more about that medication.

Good luck, in the meantime - it's horrid isn't it when things which are supposed to help just complicate matters for us ? but that's diabetes for you (and me - and all of us on here in one form or another - sufferer, carer, parent etc).
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