Meet the crazy sexy cancer survivor

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Kris Carr is impressively frank about her former life, which she calls BC: Before Cancer. As an ambitious young actress living out a long-held dream ? with the lead in an Arthur Miller play on Broadway directed by the playwright himself, and a role in a touring production of Chicago ? she paid little attention to her health. ?I was caught up in a crowd that was partying,? she admits. ?Everything I ate was processed and microwaved, and at the end of each day, I would grab a bottle of wine, a packet of cigarettes and a takeaway.? Her primary concern, she quips, was ?not having back fat in a leotard?.
However, her work-hard, play-harder lifestyle in New York was steadily taking its toll. ?I was definitely burning myself out,? she nods. ?By my mid-20s, I?d started having a lot of problems with my digestion, with eczema and allergies, and with fatigue and depression.? The latter she self-medicated, with ?pills and booze and stupid men?.
Even so, when agonising abdominal pains finally sent her to see a doctor, Kris was in no way prepared for the damning diagnosis she received: epithelioid hemangioendothelioma, an extremely rare form of cancer, was ravaging her liver and lungs.
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