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Relationship to Diabetes
My 5 year old son has just been diagnosed with type 1. I wanted to reach out to see if there’s any families or groups or people we can meet in similar circumstances and families who have lived with it for a while for advice and support and maybe friendship. Is there any groups or meetings anything like that. We’re in London
Welcome @MobyAlbin 🙂 Diabetes U.K. runs some things like this:

You could also use this forum to chat to other parents of Type 1s or to ask questions. We’re a friendly bunch 🙂
Hi all my son is newly diagnosed and in hospital at the moment. His blood sugar levels did go down but have now shot up again despite the insulin. Is this unusual and something to worry about? His ketone level is fine
Well - he really is still in the right place at the moment then isn't he? It's not just a matter of having X amount of any random make of insulin daily and that's that I'm afraid. He could have come down with something else in the meantime cos sorry, but hospitals are breeding grounds for bacteria and the staff know that for the simple reason there are more sick people in them in one concentrated area than anywhere else. Husband's been in hospital this week for a planned operation and told the team he was more worried about what he might catch in there than he was of the operation - which was 100% truthful cos when you have COPD and in your 70s it gets tricky when you get a chest infection. Anyway point is if you get anything even a flipping cold when you have diabetes - it elevates the BG!

So - it could be that or - it could be summat else eg needs bigger dose(s) of insulin or a different sort of insulin. It's really quite complicated but an EXCELLENT book for people like you two (and probably his grandparents depending how involved with him they are) is by Ragnar Hanas - Type 1 Diabetes in Babies Children & Young Adults - about £25 ish from Amazon, make sure you get the latest revision which I think is 2022.

And good luck to you and him, you WILL get there!
Yes, that’s normal @MobyAlbin They’ll be starting him on small amounts of insulin to begin with, and then gradually building those up over time. All his blood test results, insulin amounts and food (carbs) information will be giving them information that they can use to work out his needs.
Well - he really is still in the right place at the moment then isn't he? It's not just a matter of having X amount of any random make of insulin daily and that's that I'm afraid. He could have come down with something else in the meantime cos sorry, but hospitals are breeding grounds for bacteria and the staff know that for the simple reason there are more sick people in them in one concentrated area than anywhere else. Husband's been in hospital this week for a planned operation and told the team he was more worried about what he might catch in there than he was of the operation - which was 100% truthful cos when you have COPD and in your 70s it gets tricky when you get a chest infection. Anyway point is if you get anything even a flipping cold when you have diabetes - it elevates the BG!

So - it could be that or - it could be summat else eg needs bigger dose(s) of insulin or a different sort of insulin. It's really quite complicated but an EXCELLENT book for people like you two (and probably his grandparents depending how involved with him they are) is by Ragnar Hanas - Type 1 Diabetes in Babies Children & Young Adults - about £25 ish from Amazon, make sure you get the latest revision which I think is 2022.

And good luck to you and him, you WILL get there!
Thanks so much for this! His mum who is with him has been unwell and he had a bit of a fever. Can that raise the levels? I’ll get the book thanks again