Medtrum: falling-off whilst running

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Lady Penelope

Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
This is only my 4th day on using a Medtrum nano pump.
I was reassured in the training session it would be ok for running.
That said, I went on a 8k run today, the adhesive came loose and the needle came out. I had to put on a new patch. Ideas? Would skin-tac help which is not available on px?
On a different note, can you put the pump etc in a Fanric conditioner container and dispose in household waste?
Thanks in advance for your help.
I think @helli has a Medtrum Nano. She might have some advice for you as I know she’s very active.

Can I ask where you had the pump? That is, which part of your body?
Thanks for the tag @Inka.
I have been using the Medtrum Nano since it was released.
The only reason I have problems with the glue is that I am sensitive to it so use a Hyperfix patch (a strip of Hyperfix tape under the pump). The Medtrum pump does not stick well to the Hyperfix. Therefore, I put a couple of extra strips of tape across the pump.
When I attached it direct to my body, I had no problems. That said, I tend to wear tight Lycra for exercise so it does not have a chance to move.
I think it is advised not to let the pump get wet for a few hours after applying to allow the glue to fix.

When I talked to my Medtrum rep about reacting to the glue, I remember she suggested SkinTac (it provides a slight barrier). So it would be ok to use if you wanted. I avoided it because I like to minimize individually wrapped single use wipes due to excess waste.

Regarding disposal of the pump, I have no idea what is a Fanric container. I put the pointy thing that comes with the patches into the hole to pop the needle out. Then, I twist it to detach the needle which I place in my sharp's container. The rest of the pump goes straight into standard waste
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I think @helli has a Medtrum Nano. She might have some advice for you as I know she’s very active.

Can I ask where you had the pump? That is, which part of your body?
Thank-you. I was wearing on my left arm as have my free style on the right arm.
Thanks for the tag @Inka.
I have been using the Medtrum Nano since it was released.
The only reason I have problems with the glue is that I am sensitive to it so use a Hyperfix patch (a strip of Hyperfix tape under the pump). The Medtrum pump does not stick well to the Hyperfix. Therefore, I put a couple of extra strips of tape across the pump.
When I attached it direct to my body, I had no problems. That said, I tend to wear tight Lycra for exercise so it does not have a chance to move.
I think it is advised not to let the pump get wet for a few hours after applying to allow the glue to fix.

When I talked to my Medtrum rep about reacting to the glue, I remember she suggested SkinTac (it provides a slight barrier). So it would be ok to use if you wanted. I avoided it because I like to minimize individually wrapped single use wipes due to excess waste.

Regarding disposal of the pump, I have no idea what is a Fanric container. I put the pointy thing that comes with the patches into the hole to pop the needle out. Then, I twist it to detach the needle which I place in my sharp's container. The rest of the pump goes straight into standard waste
Thank-you for your feedback. Much appreciated. I have now put some tape over the grey part of the pump on my arm. It is a waste of insulin when this happens.

How do you dispose of the sharps box? A fabric softener container is the thick plastic bottle that washing powder and clothing softener come in.

Thank-you once again for your help. Much appreciated.
Have you not been given a sharps bin? I was prescribed mine as soon as I started testing and before I started on insulin. The thing is that sharps should be incinerated not go to the tip. It is all very well thinking they are safe in a thick plastic bottle but at the landfill sites heavy machines drive over the refuse, potentially breaking open and releasing those sharps.
Have you not been given a sharps bin? I was prescribed mine as soon as I started testing and before I started on insulin. The thing is that sharps should be incinerated not go to the tip. It is all very well thinking they are safe in a thick plastic bottle but at the landfill sites heavy machines drive over the refuse, potentially breaking open and releasing those sharps.
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