Medtrum EasyPatch battery usage

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Question to the Medtrum users - for the last half year I've been experiencing very poor battery life on my iPhone 11 which I put down to age (4.5 years old) and I was expecting a significant improvement when I got a new iPhone15 recently. However, the improvement hasn't been all that significant - if I look at Settings>Battery I can see that 35% over the last 5 days is down to the Medtrum EasyPatch app - this seems inexplicable to me as there's no reason (that I can see) why this app should be consuming so much - it doesn't need to be in contact with the patch/base all the time (other than monitoring for faults/errors I guess). I was getting similar numbers on my old phone as well although it was more like 45% then.

Do any other Medtrum users have similar experience with battery consumption by this app or is it just me? Maybe I need to reinstall (although I did already do that in moving from old to new phone)?

EDIT: I am not using the Medtrum CGM - only for the insulin pump
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In case anyone suffers something similar - I went to the App store and saw there was an update that had not been automatically applied. I applied the update and since then the battery usage by the EasyPatch app has fallen to 16%. This still seems way too high to me but so much better than 35%+.
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