Medtrum and libra 1

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Has anyone had a problem with the libra 1 mint working when they are using the MEdtrum pump my libra would not work it came up sensor loose this was false it was so firmly inserted that I had problems getting it off I wear this on the back of my arm but that day my Medtrum pump was on the top of my arm
I use Libre 1 and a Medtrum pump.
They do not talk to each other but neither do they affect each other. They are totally independent.
However, I wear them far apart - Libre on my arm and pump on my belly (I do not have enough fat on my arm).

It is common to recommend pumps and CGMs are worn apart. A few years ago, I had an Animas pump and Dexcom. The recommendation was to wear them at least 6 inches apart.
Sorry you have had problems with your Libre @christine.h

If you phone Abbott they may well replace it for you.

Probably wise to keep pump and sensor reasonably far apart from now on, just in case though.
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