Medtronic Workshop

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I had a letter in the post the other day from my clinic inviting me to a 'Medtronic Workshop'!

It says the day is to show you the best ways to use bolus wizzard, dual and square wave, basal patterns and temporary basal rates, running from 11am to 3pm (light lunch and refreshments supplied!).

Well I am really looking forward to it. I can do all the above things- can you believe I have been pumping one year in 2 weeks time?! 🙂 but it wont hurt to get a refresher and some in-house tips.

There will be a dietician and the field educator from medtronic (the lady who sorted out my pump replacement in pink 😉).

So my question to you is...I want to make sure I get the most from this as I have become rather complacement. Can you think of anything I should ask while I am there? (naturally I shall be asking for more skins! but I mean as in educating!).

Thanks. Will update the thread if I learn any medtronic news or new tips to share x
Hi Lou,

Sounds great! Can you ask why the veo's have had so many problems? On the other forum a mum has had problems with the veo again and has been told that its an ongoing problem!😱Bev
Yes thats a good idea Bev, it was in my mind with Robs problem on the other thread that we have been respoding to- and we definately know that he has the updated software.

So thats good to know its not just Rob (or is it?!) so this is an on-going problem?


if there are as many problems as there seem (based on other posts) it may be worth asking about the Medtronic support. The support does seem to be helpful and frendly but if an issue happens late on a Friday or Saturday morning, the current support means a replacement is at least 4 days away (5 or 6 if there is a bank holiday).

It would be nice if the US could initiate the replacement pump process or there is someone in the UK that could be called upon to do this (a sort of support for the support people).
I'd love to know what sort of temp basals they would suggest for running, both how far in advance to set it prior to shorter runs and what sort of percentage basal to use for a 5 hour+ marathon.

(not relevant but re pump replacement, I have a guarentee to have it replaced anywhere in France within 12 hours but the replacement is not provided (at least initially) by medtronic There is another company that acts as a middle man for all pump companies. They have the infrastructure as their original and main business is dealing with people on oxygen pumps.I assume this has been put in place by the French health service because of the lack of efficient coverage in Europe )
I still have lots of questions, but I guess I'll sort them as I meet them. Still being new to this theres lots I need to learn. I think its great that your team are putting this on, I wish my clinic would (I'm going to ring my DSN on Monday and suggest!) It would be nice to meet other pumpers too, a bit like the support I felt when doing DAFNE.

If I think of anything thats not too basic I will let you know. Thanks
Re the marathon - personally I'd strongly suggest a 0% basal for the duration! I ran (well, staggered...) the marathon in 2000 for DUK (on MDI) and did a 1/2 basal the night before, no bolus in the morning but ate a huge breakfast, and got through 3 packs of dextrose, some glucogel, lucozade, liquid glucose, plus some St John's ambulance biscuits. And was still teetering on hypo most of the time.

Also when you're towards the back, ie 5hrs+ territory, we found it difficult to pick up water on the way round because the stations had run out and had nothing available.
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