Medtronic Veo alarm volume

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I've received my Veo pump but don't start on insulin until next week.

I decided I should start getting used to wearing the pump, so clipped the teflon cannula off a set and stuck it to my stomach. I'm doing pretend boluses every time I use my Novorapid pen and so far it's ok.

This morning, the pump didn't display a meter reading from the Bayer Contour link. When I checked closer, there was a low battery alarm during the night and the meter oprton had been turned off to save energy. The alarm wasn't loud enough to wake me.

Does anyone else think the Veo alarm is too quiet? I can't find any way to turn up volume, only to change duration of the beeps.
I find it too quiet in many circumstances, but too loud in others 🙄. Certainly in anything other than a fairly quiet indoor environment I find them very difficult to hear. Outdoors expecially.

It also slightly niggles me that there are only 2 (from memory) alarm tones in use. One is a very gentle 'pip pip pip' and the other 'nah neeeeeh nah'.

These seem to be used fairly frequently where there is little need (if you take a BG but then don't bolus for example you get the full on 'something's wrong' nah neeh nah).

The 'pip pip pip' goes off hourly any time you have a TBR set (day and night! meaning I rarely if ever use TBRs at night time)

As a consequence I've sort of 'phased them out' and when I get something that I really *DO* want to be alerted to (low battery, low reservoir, even occlusion/no delivery... and especially my all time fave 'You haven't pressed the final confirm of this bolus so I'm cancelling') I sometimes ignore Artoo thinking that he's just burbling away to himself.

Apparently unanswered alarms escalate to 'Siren' but i've not experienced that yet.

As far as I know there is no volume setting, so very interested if anyone knows how to adjust that.

I have very few niggles with my pump, but the Alarms could do with some work IMO.
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This is an annoyance for all Veo users! The alarms are way too quiet, especially if you have a child with their pump snuggled under a duvet in a bedroom several meters away from yours! I don't think there is any way to increase the volume unfortunately. My son wears occasional glucose sensors, which can make use of the "low suspend" function. The idea is that the pump alarms to warn that you are dropping low (four notes going down the scale), and if the user fails to respond by pressing a pump button, the pump suspends insulin delivery. The problem is the alarm is too quiet to wake you up! But it then progresses to the siren stage and vibrates as well I think. Medtronic need to do something about the volume, as competitors are better on this. The Dexcom CGMS is nice and loud I'm told.
This is an annoyance for all Veo users! The alarms are way too quiet, especially if you have a child with their pump snuggled under a duvet in a bedroom several meters away from yours! I don't think there is any way to increase the volume unfortunately. My son wears occasional glucose sensors, which can make use of the "low suspend" function. The idea is that the pump alarms to warn that you are dropping low (four notes going down the scale), and if the user fails to respond by pressing a pump button, the pump suspends insulin delivery. The problem is the alarm is too quiet to wake you up! But it then progresses to the siren stage and vibrates as well I think. Medtronic need to do something about the volume, as competitors are better on this. The Dexcom CGMS is nice and loud I'm told.

Shame they've not released the mySentry in the UK eh?!
Would the vibrate mode help ? Both myself and daughter sleep through the Medtronic alarms too but it is very well cushioned in LennyLion and under the duvet.
Shame they've not released the mySentry in the UK eh?!

We live in hope 🙂

As far as I know, the US are still waiting for the Veo with its low suspend function to be approved by their regulatory authority. So we're ahead in some things.....
I sometimes ignore Artoo thinking that he's just burbling away to himself.

Your pump being called Artoo (R2D2?) reminds me of a comedy sketch by Olly Double at Friends For Life - he was saying that to make kids take a blind bit of notice, pump alarms should be voiced messages for each different scenario, e.g. The voice of Yoda saying "test your blood sugars you must"! 😱. I'm sure it would be effective until the novelty wore off. Might cause some raised eyebrows in workplace situations though!
Your pump being called Artoo (R2D2?) reminds me of a comedy sketch by Olly Double at Friends For Life - he was saying that to make kids take a blind bit of notice, pump alarms should be voiced messages for each different scenario, e.g. The voice of Yoda saying "test your blood sugars you must"! 😱. I'm sure it would be effective until the novelty wore off. Might cause some raised eyebrows in workplace situations though!

Indeed! R2-P2 - replacement to pancreas 2 (MDI was R2-P1 :D )

Love the idea of (customisable?) Yoda and other alarms

'The control is strong in this one'
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