medtronic users

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi all,
On the other forum a lady has put an order in for medtronic sets etc and been told it will be a week as they come from Holland. If your running low - get your order in now.🙂Bev
Thanks Bev,

Will bear that in mind for when I next order stuff. Hopefully whatever the fuss is about will calm down soon.

Thats strange- I put an order in on Thursday PM and was told it would arrive today (Tuesday) and it came yesterday! 🙂

No problems there- but I know everything on my stock comes from the warehouse in Watford... perhaps she has something more bespoke? I use the bog standard quick set, maybe their stock is lower in what she gets.

Always good to have the heads up though, just incase! 🙂
Oh, the other thing I now notice is that a 3 months suply lasts me 5 now! 🙂
I find it's hit and miss where my stuff comes from. Sometimes from the warehouse, other times (most often) direct from Holland. It's all standard QuickSet stuff, too. Maybe it depends on where you are in the country?

Fortunately I've got loads of sets, but about to run out of batteries - goodness knows how that's worked, usually I've got loads of them left! Still, at least that's the one thing I can buy in the shops :D
Cate- you might think I am nuts to suggest this, but do you think the batteries have a different effect in change of weather? All of a sudden Im bashing out the batteries like Im putting only 50p in an electric meter! Know what I mean?! 😉
Batteries def do have differences in how long they last depending on the weather - they last loads longer in the summer. Mind you, turns out mine would have lasted longer if the OH hadn't nicked some to put in the TV remote control 🙄😱

Having said that, I do remember being told in pump training to expect a battery to last around 10 days to 2 weeks, but I find they normally last closer to a month, so goodness knows how many batteries the NHS are funding that aren't being used in the pumps?!
Yes I must admit to knicking 2 out of my supply for a small pen torch! Eek!

Yes I agree about the general life span, I normally last a month or so (I think it depends on how many alarms Ive slept through?!), but strangely this one started going really quickly and has now gone up a bar....!

Its weird, I agree, about the supplies coming from various places....I know medtronic have a huge supplies warehouse that is newly built and apparently is stonkingly huge in Watford, so why does our stuff sometimes come from Holland? I remember the Veo-gate fiasco and all the new Veos that were recomissioned came from Holland, very strange.

But the moral is I guess like all our diabetes woes, try not to let our supplies dwindle....😉
But the moral is I guess like all our diabetes woes, try not to let our supplies dwindle....😉

Definitely! For me especially, the hospital where the bills for my consumables gets sent has been in arrears to Medtronic for the entire time I've had a pump (getting on for 6 years now). Not the Diabetes Centre, but the Cardiac department. As a result, quite often I place an order for 6 months worth of sets, and a single box of sets and reservoirs turns up. Cue lots of annoyed phone calls to Medtronic, then the Diabetes Centre, who call their accounts department and Medtronic, everyone agrees it's not the Diabetes team's fault that the cardiac team is disputing an ancient invoice, my stuff gets sent out, then next time we all jump through the exact same hoops all over again 🙄

My DSN says it's not just me, either :D - most people with a medtronic pump have the same problem placing orders.
Oh my god Cate???? That is awful! How stressful for you each time?

Cate if you ever need emergency help- I am on quicksets too! I will always help you out!
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