Medtronic terrible customer service

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
So annoyed! 😡

Made an online order earlier this afternoon for infusion sets and reservoirs, seemed to go through with no problems. Then I get home just after 5 (when their phone lines close) to find an email from one of their customer service clerks cancelling my order because I ordered 6 boxes at the beginning of August and this should've lasted me 6 months! In actual fact, he has to change his cannula every two days due to absorption problems on the 3rd day, and has been doing this with hospital approval for years, therefore 6 boxes last at most 4 months, and usually less because there will inevitably be the occasional site failure.

I just can't believe some admin clerk can make the decision to cancel an order without having any dialogue with the patient/customer, and potentially leave them with no method of insulin delivery :(. We are running low on supplies and his mock exams start on Thursday for the next three weeks. I am seething at being unable to call and try and resolve this until tomorrow, grrrr!!!!!
I agree that that is shocking. Fair enough if they had contacted you to check the quantity, but just to cancel the order is terrible!
Absolutely shocking! 😱 How can you work in a job like that and not be aware of the potential problems you could cause with such actions? Give 'em what for! This is as idiotic as those doctors who tell people they are using too much insulin 😡
Gordon Bennett, Redkite - Roche check your address AND phone number (Landline and mobile since people are fond of not telling em!) every time you ring either with an order or a query. Quite often check your hospital clinic details - and your own DSNs name/DD phone number. Not in the 'identify yourself and what do you want us for today' bit - but when you've completed whatever you happen to need that day.

And to do this with a CHILD !!! I think you ought to let your clinic know too, so they can make a complaint from their end, because they need to.
Why didn't they think to look back at your records if they felt the need to query your supply? That would have told the, that this is what you have always ordered! Let alone not bother to contact you before thee d of the day if they felt the need to discuss!! Let us know how you get on tomorrow.
Good grief! It may be a good thing you have till the morning to steam over this, You can have the rollicking all word perfect by the time you talk to a manager. Give 'em hell.
Good grief, I think they need to sort their processes out sharpish that's potentially very dangerous. I wonder if they're having trouble "claiming money" from the NHS because for a private company that's pretty astounding. Hope you get it sorted and let them have it with both barrels.
Good grief, I think they need to sort their processes out sharpish that's potentially very dangerous. I wonder if they're having trouble "claiming money" from the NHS because for a private company that's pretty astounding. Hope you get it sorted and let them have it with both barrels.
You could be right there!
Sorted out for now, the order has been reinstated, though they are out of stock of reservoirs. I spoke to a supervisor, and he did agree it was bad procedure to just cancel the order without even checking with me or looking at my order history. I've asked my DSN to send Medtronic a note to keep on file.
I wonder if it is them getting it in the neck and not getting payment for stuff? There are all sorts of warnings on the Medtronic ordering pages about only ordering stuff you know you are approved for.

Absolutely agree though that it was shocking to simply cancel without dialogue. And especially since a quick 'previous order history' check would have cleared it.

I wonder if the admin bod will get a roasting and have to go on a 'customer care update' course?
Glad it's been sorted, surprised at such a market leading company behaving like amateurs with little appreciation of the importance of their products :(
I used to order my kit in those amount too but was kindly asked to stop and this was due to the clinic paying for the consumables on a quarterly basis, so every 3 months........

so I now get 3 of everything when I run out......makes sense but would have been nice to have been told about their financing arrangements at the start....
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